Chapter 24

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Wil and I walked around the convention center and just took a look around. It was so cool seeing a bunch of people here to meet my friends. I couldn't help but think about the day Wil joined my stream. If it wasn't for that, I would probably be here as a fan. Even though I wasn't, I was still totally fan-girling over all the streamers and YouTubers I've been watching for years. I saw so many people that I had looked up to for so long.

"Here," Wil said to me as he held up his phone for a selfie. I was caught off guard and quickly turned away as he took the picture. I looked down at the phone as he started laughing. He was standing there like normal and then there was me, all blurry with my hair all over the place. I started to laugh as well.

"Wow Wil, nice selfie skills," I giggled.

"You turned away!" He shouted as I kept laughing. He looked back at his phone and posted the picture to twitter. I couldn't help but wonder what everyone would think about us meeting up.

"Wilbur!" I heard a young British accent yell. I knew who it was right away.

"Tommy," Wil laughed. I watched them hug and exchange a quick how are you.

"It's been so long!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Yeah, at least this time you're not breaking into my office." They both laughed.

"You never know," Tommy joked before looking at me. "Brooklyn, hi!" Tommy said and smiled.

"Hello Tommy," I replied.

"How are you doing?" He asked me. "I know this can all be really stressful. Of course, it's not stressful for me since I'm just that pog."

I laughed as I saw Wil cringe. "It's cool but we honestly haven't seen too many people yet." I told Tommy.

"Just wait for Wilbur's meet and greet!" He was right. Wil meeting his fans was going to be so chaotic  and exciting for him and I didn't want to get in the way. "I have to get going but I'll see you guys later." Tommy said as he started walking towards the main room.

I felt Wilbur look at me so I quickly tried to hide how worried I was. "Brooklyn, what's wrong now?" Wil chuckled. Clearly I wasn't good at hiding it.

"I just don't wanna get in the way of you meeting your fans. I don't know Wil, maybe I should just stay in the hotel room when you have your stuff." I tucked my hair behind my ears and Wilbur grabbed my hands as I started to put them down.

"Brooklyn," I looked up into his eyes. "You never get in the way of anything. If you feel like you are, or feel uncomfortable, just let me know and I can have the guys come get you. It'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely," he pulled me into into a hug and we stayed there for a while. His hugs are the best. They're so warm and comforting.

We stayed by the main lobby and talked a little while longer. The guys were going to meet up with us soon so we were just waiting.

"Are you sure we're on the right side?" Wilbur asked me.

"I think so," I told him.

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