Chapter 39

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I never thought things would go back to normal with Schlatt. I thought I had hurt him too bad but tonight was so fun. I learned a lot more about him, and it was nice to spend some time together, just us. His taste in music was ironic, to say the least. Tonight was just full of surprises. I would've never expected Schlatt and me to have a genuine conversation. All our interactions before VidCon were just jokes, but tonight was different. I saw a more human side of Schlatt, and something made me wanna get to know that side of him better.

I looked down at my phone, 12:47 am. 

Oh shit.

I scrolled through my notifications, realizing I had a few texts from Wil. I was barely thinking about him tonight. With Schlatt, it felt like the world stopped. Every time I was with him, he was all I could think about. I wasn't planning on kissing him, but it felt right. Thinking about Wil again, it didn't feel so right anymore. It wasn't even a real kiss, anyway. It was just on the cheek. It's not like that counts. Why was I overthinking the kiss so much? Even if it were a real kiss, Wil and I weren't dating. He left before he could ask me.

I looked back down at my phone, just 5 messages. I didn't even want to read them at this point. He left without telling me, and before he could ask me to be his girlfriend. I guess he didn't want me to be. He had only left today, and it already wasn't working out. I knew it wouldn't.

As I went to sleep, I tried my best to forget about Wil. Letting my mind run wild never worked out in my favor. Hearing Wilbur out was going to be my best option. But for now, I needed rest.

I checked Twitter one last time before going to bed. I scrolled until I got to Schlatt's most recent tweet.

@jschlatt: I got one

Under the words, there was a picture of him holding a brookie. I felt myself smile as I thought back to my dumbass, not knowing what a brookie was. I responded before setting down my phone and falling asleep.

@brookie99: wheres mine??

"Brooklyn, wake up!" I opened my eyes to see Rachel standing in my room.

"Rachel?" I sleepily said.

 "Sorry, I know you're tired, but I wanna hear about everything. How was VidCon? Are you and Wil together? Why were you with Schlatt tonight?"

"What time is it?" I looked around the barely lit room for my phone.

"It's like 5,"

"In the morning?" She nodded. "Rachel!"

"I'm leaving soon, and then you can go back to sleep." I stared at her for a moment, barely taking in what she was saying. "Brooklyn, please? You've been gone for way too long-"


She went over to the light switch, making me squint once she turned it on. She came over and sat on the bed, "so, how was VidCon? How was Wilbur? Are you two dating?"

I thought back to how upset I was once I found out Wil was gone. I didn't even want to open his texts, let alone talk about him. "I'd rather not talk about Wilbur right now," I told her.

"What happened?"

I thought for a moment, would talking about it make it better or worse? "I'll start from the beginning," I said. I continued to tell her everything I remembered from VidCon, trying to include all the Wilbur and Schlatt drama. Some of it was hard to talk about. I hated remembering how jealous Schlatt got. It was hard to think back to the butterflies I got when Wilbur would comfort me, especially now that he was gone. "He just up and left,"

"Why wouldn't he tell you?" Rachel asked.

"I don't know. We were supposed to go on a date one night, but Schlatt got drunk, so I took care of him-"

"Hold on, you ditched your date to take care of Schlatt?" Rachel interrupted me.

"Yeah, he took care of me that night I blacked out. I couldn't just leave him."

"Well, no shit, he didn't tell you he was leaving. You chose Schlatt over him."

"I didn't choose anyone! I thought we could just postpone our date. It wasn't a big deal." 

"Do you know what he had planned?" Rachel asked.

"No idea," maybe it was bigger than I expected. But at that moment, Schlatt seemed more important. "Rachel, I'm too tired for this." I finally said.

"Okay, you're right. Go back to sleep, and we can talk more when I get back."

How was I supposed to go back to sleep now? Maybe I did mess up, but what was Wil expecting? For me to just drop Schlatt? I had to take care of him. It felt right.

I looked around my dark room, studying each object. It felt good to be back home. My eyes finally landed on my setup. It had been so long since I streamed. Well, not really, but it felt like forever. I searched my bed for my phone, knowing I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. It was time to read Wilbur's texts. As I tapped on his name, I saw what I was never expecting.


9:38 pm

sorry my plane just landed

Brooklyn I get that you want to be a good friend to schlatt but I feel second to him. the couple days with you were amazing but it felt like schlatt kept getting in the way. you picking to take care of him over me was my last straw. I'm not upset about it now but i was. i was going to ask you to be my girlfriend and you knew that. i just don't understand why you didn't want to go out. there has to be something else. something was keeping you from saying yes. and I know that was schlatt. i don't want you to have to choose between us so I'll make the decision for you. be with schlatt. its whats better for all of us.

10:57 pm

no I'm not gonna give you up. brooklyn i love you. i know you're worried about long distance but we can handle it. i know we can. i don't want to lose you. you're just so amazing. I cant give you up. i was upset and I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry for not saying anything. i should've told you how i was feeling sooner. i love you. you feel the same way right?

12:23 am

are you ok?

I'm sorry for leaving don't let this ruin us

I couldn't believe what I was reading. He loves me?

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