Chapter 11

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Did I really just do that? I told Wilbur I liked him. I had barely just realized myself and now I told him? It just came out, I wasn't ready.

"Sorry," I began. I was full of regret. I liked him but I was scared of what he would say.

"Don't be," Wilbur began. "I like you too, Brooklyn."


Wait actually? No way that just happened.
Everything about this moment was just perfect. The way he smiled at me, the way he said my name. If only he was here next to me.

"Wow," I heard Wilbur laugh as I felt the word leave my mouth. Did I just say that out loud?

"Wow?" He asked. I didn't mean to say that but it was definitely something we would remember. "You just read my mind," he smiled.


That's the only word I could use to represent this moment. I was so embarrassed and awkward but I felt so comfortable since I was with Wilbur. He just made me feel so much better about everything.

"Are you still just feeling okay?" I asked as he chuckled.

"I feel way better," he reassured me. I felt my smile widen. "There's that smile," he said as I giggled. "I know we just had that moment but I need to talk to you."


He laughed, "it's not bad. Don't worry." He took a deep breath, "VidCon's coming up so I'm coming to California,"

I cut him off, "you are?" I was ecstatic. Wilbur was going to come to California. I would get to finally see him in person.

"There's still another month but if you wanna go with me-"

"Yes, absolutely, 100%" I heard him laugh at how excited I was.

"I didn't even get to finish."

"It doesn't matter," I told him. "I just want to see you."

"I want to see you too," he smiled at me.

"Who's all coming?" I asked.

"Me, George, Sapnap, Quackity, Tommy, Tubbo, Cooper, Schlatt, Minx, Travis, Bad, Ted, Skeppy, Punz, Purpled, Eret-"

"So basically everyone?" I asked.

"Yeah, basically everyone. Me, Cooper, Schlatt, Travis, Ted, and Charlie are all staying in an airbnb. If you want you can stay with us or we could just pick you up on the way there or-"

"Let's just wait to figure it out." I told him. I know Wilbur would rather plan it all but I just want to live in the moment right now. And that's exactly what I told him.

"Okay, but we have to figure it out soon,"

"We will," I smiled.

We chatted for the rest of the night. Each moment got better and better. Everything about him was amazing. This night was just perfect.

I forget when I fell asleep but it happened pretty soon after our talk about VidCon. I woke up to Wilbur sleeping on the FaceTime. My alarm hadn't gone off yet but I decided to get ready early. I hung up the FaceTime and texted Wilbur.

good night sleepy head <3

As I got ready for work all I could think about was the moment I'll finally meet Wilbur. A month is too long. I just want to see him.

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