Chapter 36

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I can't keep putting off talking to people. I needed to fix things now, not tomorrow. I could feel my stomach turn once Wil and I sat back at the table. It was clear that Schlatt was upset. He had fallen silent besides ordering more drinks. He seemed to drown his sorrow with alcohol, similar to the way I had last night.

"You good, Schlatt?" Charlie asked from across the table.

"I'm fine," he responded aggressively. The group went silent as Schlatt rubbed his hand on his forehead.

Finally, Ted broke the silence, "are you guys ready to head back?" We all nodded, and I could see Ted watching Schlatt chug down his last drink. Wilbur waved the waitress down and paid the bill before we left. As we walked out to the car, Ted started to head towards me. "What's wrong with Schlatt?" He whispered to me.

"I just said something wrong," I said, brushing my hand through my hair. "I'll talk to him when we get back."

"Make sure he's okay," Ted said to me before opening the passenger's seat door. I climbed into the back, right in between Wil and Schlatt. Wilbur held my hand in his, and I tried my best to hide it from Schlatt. I didn't want to make it any worse.

When we got back to the Airbnb, Charlie and Ted helped Schlatt to his room. He continuously told them he was fine and he didn't need help, but we all knew that wasn't true. Once I got inside the house, I went to the kitchen to get water for Schlatt. I wanted to help him sober up as he had done for me. "What are you doing?" I heard Wilbur ask.

I turned around to see him standing in the kitchen entryway. "I'm helping Schlatt," I told him.

"Oh," He paused. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" 

Why wouldn't it be?

"I'm just helping him sober up. It's the least I can do after he helped me," I looked up at Wil's face. He looked scared, almost jealous? Why? I've told Wilbur how much I like him. He has nothing to be scared about. 

I thought back to Schlatt's confession. "Brooklyn, I get it. You like Wilbur but that doesn't mean shit to me. I really like you and I think we just need more time together for you to realize you feel the same way about me. Why do you think I even came to fucking VidCon? It was for you." It was for me. They were both willing to risk so much for me. I don't get it.

"Do you want some tea?" Wilbur asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm fine but thanks Wil," I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before going up to Schlatt's room. I could hear Schlatt's loud rambling as I reached the door. "Hey," I said before opening the door to Ted and Charlie both trying to calm him down. Schlatt's response to alcohol was much different than mine. He was hyper and angry, maybe he just wasn't as shitfaced as I was the other night. He transitioned from this loud, angry energy to quiet and almost embarrassed once we locked eyes. "Here," I handed Schlatt the glass before sitting in his desk chair.

"Thanks," he mumbled. I studied his face as he took a sip. I could tell he wasn't used to someone taking care of him. He was usually the caregiver.

"Brooklyn," I quickly looked at Charlie when I heard him whisper my name. Ted had already left, and Charlie was about to do the same. "Make sure he's okay," I read Charlie's lips as he silently told me. I nodded before looking back at Schlatt.

"Are you okay?" I asked Schlatt, placing my hand on his forearm.

"Yeah, I just-" He stopped himself. "I don't know Brooklyn, I'm just an asshole?"

"Don't say that,"

"What was I even expecting? For you to leave Wilbur for me? Why would you? I'm just drunk and desperate, like every other guy." He let out a pitiful laugh before sighing. The room grew silent, and it was killing me. "Can you answer one question? Honestly?" He asked, our eyes locking. "I probably won't even remember the answer, but I need to know, did you ever have feelings for me? Or did you ever think you might have? Was there something I did wrong?"

I took a moment to think back. As much as I said our flirting was a joke, there was always that thought in the back of my head. If it weren't for Wil, would I have liked Schlatt? Was I just suppressing my feelings because of him? "I wish I knew the answer, Schlatt." That was all I could tell him. I saw a wave of disappointment wash over him. "I mean," I continued, "yeah, I've thought about it, but I really just don't know."

"But what did I do? Why not me?" It was crazy hearing Schlatt ask me all this. I could tell it was the alcohol, there was no way these were sober questions. I was just hoping he wouldn't regret this conversation later. "It's Wilbur isn't it?"


"I don't know, okay?" I was getting sick of these questions. They were making me rethink everything and I didn't have the answers he wanted.

"Goddammit, I don't wanna lose you, Brooklyn. I know I missed my chance but I don't want you to hate me after this." Everything was pouring out. I had never seen Schlatt be so open about his emotions.

"Can we talk tomorrow?" I finally asked. "I don't want you to regret anything you're saying."

Schlatt's face changed as he realized what he was telling me. "Fuck, you're right." He yawned before taking another drink of water. "I'll just try to sleep this off," 

"That's probably a good idea," I said, getting up from the chair. Clearly, he had sobered up enough to recognize the situation, so I knew it wouldn't take long until he was back to normal. "Good night Schlatt," I finally said before shutting his door.

I wanted to go home. I needed to rethink Schlatt's questions. Was Wilbur the reason I was suppressing my feelings? "Brooklyn," I heard Travis call my name, "Wilbur's in his room. I think he wanted to talk to you,"

"Thanks," I replied. I couldn't talk to Wil about this. He was already jealous enough, getting him to help me understand how I feel for Schlatt will make it worse. Where's Minx when I need her? 

After thinking for a while, I finally went into Wil's room. "Hey, Travis said you wanted to talk to me, what's up?" I asked.

"Hi Brooklyn," Wil jumped up from his desk, excitedly. I immediately laid down on his bed. I felt so drained and I couldn't understand how he was so awake. "Are you in the mood to get out of here?"

"Not really," I looked up at Wilbur, just now realizing he had changed his clothes. "Did you change?" I asked.

"Yeah, did you forget what I said earlier?" I thought back to the bar, trying to remember what he had said.

"Shit, I'm sorry Wil," I had totally forgotten about his plans to go out tonight. "Can we do it tomorrow night or something? It's already really late,"

"It's okay, I know you're tired," he said, sitting on the bed next to me. "Just get some sleep," he tucked my hair behind my ear and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before turning off the light and leaving the room. I wasn't sure where he was going. We had slept in the same bed before, why would he sleep on the couch? Was he mad at me for canceling last minute?

I'm probably just overthinking.

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