Chapter 18: A Thaw

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(Yahoo! My favorite vocaloid and MegaMan Battle Network character are together as well as my two favorite ships! I really love the princess! She's very smart and so pretty! My jaw hit the floor when I found out that Pride and Raika were a couple! That's a powerful couple! Seriously, they are so cute! Anyway, enjoy!)

Music's Theme 

Sharo + Creamland

Pride's Theme 

Gumi's Theme 

Gackpo's Theme

A Loving Moment 

Raika + Pride's Theme

Raika's Theme 

Vs A Net Savior 

Duo's Crests

                       As for Raika, he, Iriya, and Gumi had arrived in Creamland's country castles near Sharo.

"Why are we here?" Raika asked in a tense manner.

Although he didn't mind doing joint military missions with other countries, he was a bit tense with Creamland. The two countries are not exactly close with each other.

"I thought you told him" Gumi asked in an annoyed manner as she looked up from her PET to glare at Iriya.

"If I told him, he wouldn't have come with us" Iriya whispered back to her in a harsh tone.

Raika sighed as he took out his PET.

"SearchMan, what is my mission here?" Raika asked seriously.

His two friends jumped in panic as SearchMan looked unsure. Then, the doors in their elevator opened to reveal the Gumi's team with two personal guards who were in front of a young lady. Raika's eyes were wide at the site of the young lady before them. She wore a warm, brown coat. She had pale skin and bright blue eyes. Her long, platinum blonde hair flowed down and almost to her waist.

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