Chapter 4: Special Training

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(I honestly see Lan, Chaud, and Maylu as a trio. In the anime, they even team up a lot of the times. If the creator does go back to the game series, I really hope we get to see the three of them team up. I honestly love their dynamic as well. So, this story will mainly focus on their bonds as friends (including Miku) and as well as their teammates! Enjoy!)

Music Themes 

ACDC Town and Places 

Chaud's Theme 

SciLab's Theme

Hub's Theme 

Net Saviors' Theme 

Yahoot + MagicMan's Theme 

Miku's Theme 

                "Alright, are you ready Roll?" Maylu asked as she noticed how damaged ProtoMan and MegaMan were.

"Are you sure about this?" Dr. Hikari asked, "It will drain Roll and you"

"Since an ambulance is coming, I'll be fine. Roll is quick to recover. As for those two fools, they will need all the help they can get to recover" Maylu reassured Dr. Hikari, "I will also not be fighting, so this shouldn't hurt me too much. Let's do this, Roll!"

The two of them synched up as Maylu inserted three 200 heal chips. Roll created a blue sphere and then slammed the sphere on the ground to heal most of the injuries done to them and herself. However, the attack did take a lot of energy from the chips and short circuited a few lights around them. The two of them sat down and were very tired. The ambulance arrived and took everyone to the hospital to rest from this attack. Lan woke up in a hospital bed, panting heavily. He looked at the blanket and recalled what happened. He was fighting Chaud and ProtoMan with MegaMan using this new power. He then saw a blue moon and felt very weak. He wondered about that new power until he heard the doors open to reveal Maylu and his dad. Lan was relieved it was his dad instead of his mom. He would get a lecture from her.

"How are you feeling?" Maylu asked with concern as his father sat down with relief on his face.

"I'm fine, but what happened? And is MegaMan ok?" Lan asked with worry.

"He's fine. He's recovering along with Roll and ProtoMan after the fight you three had" his father said seriously.

Lan let out a nervous chuckle as Maylu sighed at him.

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