Chapter 34: Coming Back

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(The second to last chapter! Ah! I'm so excited! This book is almost finish! Who's ready?! Will our heroes help Duo realize there is peace on earth or will Duo destroy it?! So exciting! Also, be on the lookout for surprise cameos! Enjoy!)

Music Theme's 

You're Not Alone 

The Lullaby Part 14 

                "Just a few more minutes! World 3! Make sure nothing happens to Dr. Hikari and myself!" Dr. Wily ordered.

World 3 appeared at Dr. Wily's side.

"What do we need them for?" Dr. Hikari asked surprised.

"Believe it or not, World 3 is able to handle most of the dangerous situations" Dr. Wily answered, "They will ensure the NET is vacant for my program to work"

The World 3 members sent their Navis into the NET to ensure that it was clear as Dr. Wily began to finish the program.

"Done! This should help the Crest Holders reach us!" Dr. Wily stated as he noticed the singing was calming down, "Iris bring Trill here. Trill should be able to do something to bring them back"

Iris held Trill in her arms and placed him on the ground. Trill jumped into the NET and sat on the ground. He slowly felt the power of the program flow into him as the singing gave him more energy! He raised his hands and let out a yell. Suddenly, the crack in the sky became brighter! More cracks appeared!

"What is this?" Mr. Match asked in complete shock.

The Crest Holders gave one final push and broke through the realms they were trapped in! They fell from the sky as they shattered it! Everyone gasped in shock as they landed on the ground before the doctors and their friends!

"Wow. That is something I never want to go through again" Charlie confessed tiredly as he transformed back to himself.

"That was something else, yes. But at least we made it out together" Luka said in relief as she walked to her husband child, "I am very pleased to be back with my lovelies. Thank you for looking after my family. I was very worried"

Luo hugged Ling tightly as Jasmine rushed to her grandfather.

"Of course. Family should stick together" Arth said in relief as he hugged his two children and wife.

"Kaito, we tried to get your mother to stay, but she left without you and Kaai" Ann explained to him.

"That's fine. I am just relieved that my little sister is safe" Kaito said in relief as Meiko grinned at them.

Everyone was relieved to be back with their loved ones and friends as Trill reappeared to Iris and Baryl.

"Is everyone ok?" Dr. Hikari asked as he hugged Lan and Hub who appeared out of his PET.

Before anything else could happen, the ground began to shake as a blue and red beam struck the ground.

"Now what?!" Gumi shouted annoyed as Gackpo helped her up.

The Crest Holders faced the red and blue beam as it pulled the Crest Holders back to Duo's realm!

"NO!" Dr. Hikari yelled as he tried to reach for his kids.

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