Chapter 22: Return Together

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(This is the season 3 finale to this story. After this, we will be on the final season of this book! Wow, four seasons! I didn't think we would reach that part! Either way, this one took me a long time to make and I really worked on on this to show how dire this situation is going to get as well as trying something dark a bit. Either way, I hope you enjoy it!) 

Music Theme's 

Net Savior's Theme 

A Moment of Worry 

Dr. Riegal's Theme 

A Great Darkness

Vs Dr. Riegal's Navi + Subordinate 

Final Stand 

Duo's Crests 

            Dr. Hikari had heard from the others about seeing a similar Navi and something about Duo's Crests. This troubled the doctor very much as he tried to make sense of all of this. Everyone who had experienced a vision of some kind as well as the crests.

"I really would've loved to meet all of you under better circumstances, but I am grateful that all of you were able to come under short noticed" Dr. Hikari said to them.

Everyone had gathered at his lab and wanted to discuss what they had witness and the meaning behind it. It had deeply frightened them.

"Just... Who is Duo?" Chaud asked calmly as he figured it would be best to get the conversation started whether they liked it or not.

Dr. Hikari answered, "It was one of the safety programs my father developed alongside Dr. Wily. The program is meant to protect the earth from incoming meteors and other outer space disasters. However, I haven't heard of it causing trouble this before"

"Alright, but what about the crests?" Rin asked seriously, "What does that mean?"

"Crests can symbolize being chosen or set up for something greater. I... would need to see the crest to understand what you've all been chosen for though" the doctor answered as he hoped one of them would say something about the design of it.

Teto raised her hand as she said, "I think I remember what it looked like"

Dr. Hikari handed her a piece of paper and pencil. Teto then drew the crest for him as he gasped in shock.

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