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        I have Veronica meet me in my room, when she walks in she's holding a black duffle bag and places it on my bed. "I got everything you asked for." She hands me my vest. I put it on before putting my grey shirt over it. I tuck my pockets in on my black jeans and grab my shoes and put them on as she shows me everything."I got all of the guns you asked for and I got ahold of a couple grenades, figured they will come in handy." I nod. "Good, trust Kai to get them across any form of security we will run into, to have the upper hand we have to leave for Virginia before he does."

       "And what if he notices you're gone?" She asks worriedly. "Elise will keep him occupied. We should be good for an hour or two before he starts getting suspicious." I stand up after tying my shoe. "You aren't having second thoughts are you?" I ask. "I know we got off on the wrong foot at first but, I'm not a bad person. I was just protecting those important to me. I will uphold my end of the bargain. You have my word." She nods zipping the bag back up. "come on we have to leave now."

        "I got the burner like you asked for." Zero tosses me a phone and I catch it. "I got the car keys." Elise hands them to me. "I'll stall for as long as I can, I'll text if there's a bump in the road." We quickly move outside to the car. Kai takes the drivers seat, I the passenger, while Zero and Veronica sit in the back seat. I power up the burner phone and dial Aaron's number as quickly as possible. "SSA Aaron Hotchner." He answers. I pause for a moment, allowing a smile to spread across my face. "Hello?" He asks making sure someone is on the other end of the line. I haven't heard his voice in so long, I've missed it. "Hey, it's me.."

           "Edythe?" I look out the window at the sound of my name leaving his lips. "How are you, are you okay? Is everything alright?" I guess he's been worried about me as much as I've been worrying about him. "Yes, I'm okay. I don't have a lot of time to talk,"

       "What's going on?" I can hear the nervousness in his voice. "I need you to get somewhere safe, don't go anywhere alone and please tell me that Jessica has Jack right now."

         "She does. Edythe what's happening?" He asks again. I sigh and glance over at Kai as he makes a left turn, then up at the rearview mirror at Zero and Veronica. "Don't worry I'll explain everything when I get to Virginia. Has Mason tried to talk to you yet?" I question, a string my father didn't know he had to sever before we left. Of course he would look for me or at least ask around. "Yes, he's here actually."

        "Good, I'm going to text you a number. Tell him to call me in 2 hours, I'll explain everything to him and discuss a meeting place. Just do as you're told and everything will be okay. I have to go now." I pull the phone away from my ear to hand up but Aaron stops me. "Edythe wait-" I put the phone back to my ear. "I love you." He says. "I love you too."

     "Love?" Kai looks at me."Who is that? There's another guy?"

        "Keep your eyes on the road!" I yell at him at the same time as Veronica and Zero. "I got to go, We'll talk later bye." I hang up quickly as I break the phone in half. I roll the window down and throw the phone out the window. "You love this guy?" Kai asks.

        "Didn't know you was capable, everyone always speak on how ruthless you can be." Zero adds. "I-shut up." I state. "You've got her all flustered now, look at her cheeks glowing." Veronica teases. I roll my eyes. "So, we're saving this guy because he's the love of your life?" Zero inquires. "No, we're saving him because she cares for him deeply, I am the love of her life obviously." Veronica leans forward and pats his shoulder sucking in her teeth. "Keep telling yourself that buddy," She sits back in her seat again."You'll end up with heartbreak my friend."

        "She has an undying love for me she just won't admit it." I laugh. "I'm not sure anyone has ever told you this before but maybe you're a tad bit narcissistic." I state pinching my fingers a little as I say 'tad bit' "Not even close." He pulls into a parking garage near the airport. Well all get out of the car and walk into the airport. My phone rings as we walk up to get our tickets it's Mason. We discuss the plan and I explain to him that he mustn't leave Aaron at any cost.

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