Whatever Happens Outside Of Work Hours...You Know How The Rest Goes:

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When he comes out of the bathroom I could see he dressed in a similar outfit as yesterday. Maybe he's a business man. He gives me a small wave goodbye and he walks out the door. That's the good thing about one night stands you don't have to ever worry about seeing them again. There's no strings attached, perfect for a woman like me who has no strings to get attached to.

I pick up the blanket from the floor and the pillow up from the couch folding it, then putting it back into the hall closet. I check my phone for the time and decided I should hurry up and get in the shower and head to the Station. I have to meet with The Senior Executive Service (SES)Strauss. She's the unit chief, she told me that she believes I will be a good fit for the BAU but she has a few more questions to run past me and wants who will be my boss if they accept to meet me.

I get ready quickly throwing my straight brown hair up into a high ponytail. I throw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a light blue button up shirt.(see photo at the top for the outfit)I grab my car keys and head to the station.

once I arrive I park my car pretty close to the entrance. I get out locking my car as I shut the door. I take a deep breath as I grab the door handle. Why do I feel so nervous? I never get nervous.  This can't turn out bad I've been through the hard stuff already this should be breeze. A breeze...I feel a gush of cool air wash over me as I entered the BAU. I look around the room hoping to meet with Strauss' familiar face. Instead I was greeting by a tall skinny male with dirty blonde hair. Though it's more on the brown side than blonde. He greets me with a smile "Can I help you?" he asks.

"Uh, yeah, actually could you tell me where I could find SES Strauss?" He looks around the room a few times. "She was here a second ago..." He trails and turns to his coworker across the room. "Hey Morgan! have you seen Strauss uh," he turns back to me. "Sorry I didn't t catch your name."

"E-" I was cut off, due to the door opening, Strauss stepping out of it. "We will see you now Miss Blythe." I nod her way and turn back to the tall lanky boy. "I found her" I joke "thank you." I turn around and walk up the small staircase to the office and Strauss steps aside so that I can enter the room and I do so. She shuts the door behind us and I thank her for this opportunity. I turn to the desk to thank my soon to be boss as well but my whole body freezes and no words will come out. He stands up and straightens his jacket to his suit and reaches his hand out to shake mine. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Blythe." He speaks easily with no problem, though my words spill out in a stuttering mess. I reach my hand out to his and shake his. "I-it's a pleasure to meet you too sir..."

For 10 minutes I was stuck in that room getting the last few questions out of the way. Strauss leaves after gathering my file together. Leaving Aaron and I alone. "Are-" he cuts me off before I could even start. "We don't have to talk about it." He stands up. "Let's go introduce you to the team." He adds not really giving me an option to speak about it. I simply nodded and got up following him out of his office. His office where he works he's an SSA for the FBI BAU I can't believe this. This would be happening to me. Sleeping with a total stranger just for the heck of it, and now I'm stuck working with him. This is not how things were supposed to go. 

"This is Edythe Blythe I'd like to welcome her to the team. Edythe this is Doctor Spencer Reid." he gestures to the tall lanky boy I spoke to earlier. "This is SSA Derek Morgan, Elle Greenaway, and Jason Gideon. Our TA (Technical Analysts) Penelope Garcia isn't up here with us at the moment she tries her best to stay away from the blood and gore. This is your team get know them they are your partners your family out in the field learn to trust them." He explains a lot of things to me on how fast the pace is and that I must be ready at all times. If they call we go. I then explained that I have a go bag ready already and that I'm more than qualified and ready for this job.

He looks pass me, behind me. I turn my head to see a small petite girl with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Carrying files in her hands. "We got a case." she holds up the files for everyone to see. "who's this?" she asks as we all followed her into a room with a big circle shaped table in the center of the room. There's a coffee table by the window and a white board above that. There's a tv hanging on the wall. "I'm Edythe Blythe I'm the new agent" I explain as we walk into the room. "I'm Jennifer Jareau but my friends call me JJ." She says as everyone takes their seats and I sit down in the one that remains empty.

Word Count: 1016

Author's note:

I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter.

What do you think Hotch is going to do now that Edythe is his co-worker? Do you think he will cut ties with her and be strictly professional? comment your thoughts on what's going to happen next, I appreciate if we can keep negative comments away, though if you like to share your opinion I'm open for constructive criticism

~Katy xoxo

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