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^This chapter is about a school shooting which may be hard for some readers

I don't plan on going into grave detail about anything but, it can be uncomfortable or hard for some viewers. The first half of the chapter from Edythe's pov is fine to read but once I switch to hotch is when I start discussing the school shooting

I wake up dreading today already, Aaron has taken it upon himself to sign us up for therapy, together this time. I just want it to end already. I don't want to have to continuously talk about my emotions and whatever trauma they think I may have. I have grown accustomed to the abuse and following orders from my father, and if anything, I'm fine with it. He had me do terrible things. I get that, but that doesn't mean that it has impacted me in any way shape or form. Talking about what he made me do, and how it made me feel to do it, doesn't make me feel better in the slightest. If anything it just reminds me of all the horrible things I've done, reminding me I'm the daughter of a monster, of the things with fight so hard to put behind bars. And it makes me think, maybe I should be behind those bars with them. I'm a product of how I was raise, I'm a product of my father, of Viktor, no matter how hard I try to hide or deny it. I proved that with how I acted yesterday. My rage, it isn't mine, it's my fathers. I have taken on his characteristics, but it isn't anything I can fix with a therapy session. It's all so pointless. But if Aaron wants to go, then we must go I suppose. I see the way he looks at me, compared to how he used to, He's afraid of me, of what I might do, what I'm capable of. It's the same look he gave Zero when he first found out he would be staying with us, but it isn't our fault we are the way that we are. We were brought into the world this way, we didn't stand a chance from the moment we were born.

I guess I took him in because he reminded me of myself when I was his age, he deserves a chance at a decently normal life. A chance to experience it, to have it. Even if it won't last. I truly believe I would be the only one well enough to take care of him, because any other family wouldn't understand him the way that I do. "You ready?" Aaron pulls me out of my thoughts as he enters the room with Jack on his hip. I look up at the two boys and nod. "Yeah, of course." I lie, it seems to be lying is becoming a habit of mine. Though what else am I to say? What would he say or do differently if I am not ready? Surely he wouldn't push the date of the appointment back, he'll just tell me that it will be beneficial for everyone if we go. If I'm not ready, I will have to be because we would go regardless if I am or not. I stand up, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Did you guys eat?" I ask, "No, we're picking up something on the way." He explains, "Alright." I shut our bedroom door behind me and follow him out to the car. Zero is already in the back seat waiting patiently. Maybe we should start teaching him how to drive, he could drive himself to school, it may be easier on time for all of us. He does tend to be a bit earlier than the rest because of us. There isn't anything wrong with being early but, I don't thing he's fond of it. "How's school? When are you going to introduce us to your friends?" I look at him through the review mirror as Aaron drives to the high school. He pulls his earbuds out, "Huh?" He questions, unable to hear me properly so I repeat the question. "Oh, yeah...never." He results in say and I turn to face him, my seatbelt preventing me from fully looking at him. "Are you having trouble making friends?" I ask worriedly. "I don't want any friends." He admits causing me to frown. "It's always good to make friends in high school, make memories." Aaron chimes in. "Edythe didn't have friends." I roll my eyes, "I didn't have the luxury to do so." I turn back toward the front, watching the trees and street lights. The sky changing colors as the sun continues to rise. "I have friends now though, it's good to have friends." I add, trying to convince him that it will be worth it. "I don't trust any of them." He counters. "It's different here, not everyone is out to get you."

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