I promise:

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~A few days later~

I wake up early in the morning already regretting the day. I can't help but let my mind wonder to yesterday's conversation with Aaron. I yawn as I sit up. I haven't been sleeping well. I get dressed deciding today would be best if I'm comfortable. I throw on a sweater and jeggings, I put on my black heel boots and leave my hair up in the bun I had it in last night. I pour some vodka into my coffee. I feel more alive after taking a sip. I grab my car keys and head out. My phone pings as I'm putting my seatbelt on and I look at it but I don't reply, instead I start the car and drive to work. I go inside sitting my things down at my desk and go straight into the conference room, seems as though everyone is already inside. "Morning" Morgan greets and I give him a small smile. "Morning." I reply. 

JJ and Emily are sitting at the end of the table chatting so I decide to stay with Derek. "You heard from Reid?" He asks. "No, not this morning at least." I reply. "Can you call him? I need to know when he will arrive." I raise an eyebrow slowly pulling out my phone. "Okay, but why can't you call him yourself?" I question. "It would be suspect." he replies watching eagerly as I dial his number . "How would it be suspect." He groans "Edythe please just call." He begs. "It's prank war season for these two." JJ explains "If he calls Spence will know something is up." I nod. "Save it for after work please." Hotch says quickly as he walks in pulling JJ to the side. 

Morgan looks over curiously. JJ nods and walks out of the room pulling her phone out to make a few calls. Garcia and Reid walk in at the same time. "Sorry." He says feeling the need to apologize due to not usually being the last one to arrive. Once we're all in the same room Penelope distributes the tablets to us. She takes a deep breath before introducing the case to us. She states that it is "horrific, and will be in deep need of baby panda pictures after this. There's 4 victims confirmed dead and one missing. All women with brown hair, tan skin, short, hazel eyes,  age: early to mid 20s. It seems as though the unsub tortures them before getting rid of their bodies in random places. If you look here, you will see the areas are sporadic where the unsub chooses to dump the bodies." She pulls up a picture of a map that has red location points that show us exactly where the bodies are. 

"Some of these are halfway across town, so he has a car." Morgan comments.

 Once he gets rid of one he's on the look for another. I read over the description of Elena Fanning was last seen , she's victim number 5, she just went missing this morning an hour or so after the last body was found. She was last seen in a blue short sleeved shirt and black jeans. I frown as a swipe to the picture of the last victim, Maggie. She's wearing the exact clothes in the description of Elena. I advise the team of this. They all note this to use later in the profile. Hotch wastes no time with telling us to board the jet right away. We all take our usual seats. 

We discuss as much as we possibly can before landing and heading over to the police station. We're greeted by the sheriff and her team upon our arrival. They direct us to an empty room to set up in as she thanks us for coming out to help. "Of course." Aaron replies. "Thank you." He says once we reach the room and Reid grabs pictures from his files and starts pinning them up. Morgan and Emily both are ordered to go off to talk to  Elena's family while Rossi and I are told to go find everything we can on victimology. I glance over at Rossi slightly nervous to be alone with him. After realizing Hotch has told Rossi about us I find it hard communicating with him, Garcia as well. I don't really know but I guess I started feeling guilty for having feelings for him, for sleeping with him, a married man. "Let's go." Rossi says as he turns to head out and I follow behind him pulling my sleeves down over my hands.

We both get into the car and he drives to the hospital. It's silent for most of the ride until he tries to break the silence. "It' alright Edythe. To love him You can't help how you feel. It isn't your fault." I look out the window as he speaks trying to avoid him. "We don't have to talk about this." I state bluntly. "But talking about it can do you some good." I look to him. "Yeah, well every time we talk it ends badly." I state honestly. "Because everything is horrible or because you won't allow there to be any other out come?" He questions glancing at me and back at the road. I say nothing. "Look, I'm not Aaron. I'm just saying if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. That's all I can say, and I can tell you both care about each other, and he made some mistakes, big ones about lying to you and too Haley but he does mean everything he says to you. However, do what is in best interest for yourself." He parks and I pierce my lips together ready to speak but decide not to.

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