Blood Doesn't Equal Family:

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Hotchner's Pov:

I let Edythe sleep in a bit by opting to shower first. Once I finish getting dress I wake her. "Edythe." I shake her lightly, she's sleeping peacefully on her side. Her hand resting on her belly bump. This is one of the best ways to start the day. "Hm?" She rubs her eyes, and pushes her hair out of her face. She grabs her phone from the side table, checking the time. "Shit." She sits up, "Why'd you let me sleep so late." She jumps out of bed rushing to the bathroom. "It's alright, the kids are up, I just have to dress Jack." She takes a deep breath realizing there's one less thing to worry about. "Take your time, I'll drive Zero to school, then take Jack to Jessica's. Then I'll come back to pick you up okay?" She nods understandingly. I plant a kiss on her head before leaving the room.

When I come back home, I could hear Edythe's frustrating grunts from down the hall. "Ugh!" She tosses something causing a bottle of perfume to hit the floor. "What's going on?" She looks up at me unsurprised. It takes a lot to startle Edythe, she probably knew I was here as soon as I opened the front door. "I can't fit anything." She plots down on the bed with a pout. It was unusual seeing her so upset over something so minor, definitely is taking some getting used to. I pick up the pants she threw and fold them, putting it back into the dresser. "What about these?" I hold up a pair of work pants. "They don't match." She shoots down as she gestures to her shirt. I put the pair back in its respective spot and grab another. "These?" She shakes her head. "I tried it alright." She huffs annoyingly. Apparently she's tried them all on.

I open my drawer and grab a pair of my own. "You could try these." I offer her a pair of mine, they might be a bit long, but should fit. "Aaron- those are mens pants."

"I know.." I drop them back to my side. "Are you calling me fat?" She starts crying, "No!" I answer quickly. "You're beautiful. You know, right now you're just creating and carrying life. Gaining weight-" She sobs into her hands. "No- means the baby is also gaining weight which is healthy which means- wait...are you calling me fat?" I ask as a sudden realization hits. "NO!" She corrects quickly. I was totally joking with her of course, trying to get her mind off of everything. "Do you want to go shopping for clothes? I can get you the day off." We have our fourth month appointment today before work, so I'm sure I could find a way to use it as an excuse to get her out of work. She stands and snatches the pants from me, "No, I'm good." Her mood changes quickly as she wipes her puffy face. "I never miss work." She slides them on with ease and buttons them. "Shoes." She demands and I grab a pair of Converses for her, and put them on for her. I wipe her tears with my thumb and flash her a soft smile. "Ready?" I ask and she nods before pecking my lips. "I love you." I rub my thumb across her lip taking in this moment. Even though she was crying she still looks like stunning.

"You're going to feel a bit of coldness when I apply the gel on." Edythe nods in response to Dr. Dennis . She grabs ahold of my hand and squeezes it, but it isn't one of joy. It's fear. No one knows exactly what happened to her in Russia. Morgan's words plays back in my head over and over again. It's the truth, we don't exactly know what happened to her besides what she lets us know. I suddenly wish I could read her mind, too submerge fully into her world to grasp a better understanding of her. I ignore my thoughts as I grip her hand tightly with both of mine, reassuring her. Half of her isn't here, and yet she's right in front of me.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" Dr. Dennis asks as he wheels a bit closer to the screen to turn it toward us. "Yes." This question snaps Edythe fully back to reality. "See here, is the babies hands, and feet." She points to the respective spots, "and here is where you look to see your babies sex." She moves her hand to another area. "You're having a baby girl." She beams with happiness, I smile and glance at Edythe to see her reaction. "And she's healthy?" Edythe asks, with a serious tone, and frown on her face. Dr. Dennis stares at the screen blankly for a few seconds. "Doctor?" I ask trying to grab her attention, this causes her to stand. "Um..I'm just an intern..I'm going to get an attending..." Edythe sits up fully, "Is there something wrong? Wait-" The doctor is out of the room before she could finish the sentence. "Aaron-" She grabs my arm tightly in a panic. "Everything fine love. Don't worry." I try calming her, but it doesn't work well.

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