Something Blue:

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Hotch's pov:

Edythe is coming back to work today, Her therapist cleared her about a week ago. The day after she asked me to marry her, but she and I both decided it would be best for her to come back once Zero is more familiar with going to school and in the habit of things. It was also easier on us during the move. The boys each have their own room now, Edythe and I share an office, which is mainly my workspace when I have to bring things home. Though we share it because she made it her own personal library as well.  We set up a gym in one of the spare rooms, Edythe wanted a boxing set. I'm not really sure when she got into it, but her therapist Janet said it would be good for her to release pent up anger or when she needs something to keep her grounded. 

Link to their house:

"Are you ready?" I walk into the bedroom, Jack in my arms. "Edy?" I ask, she's spaced out staring at the wall, her hair still wet from the shower, dripping onto her sweater. She has no reaction at all when I call her name. I walk closer to her, "Edythe, honey.." I trail, when I get no response I settle for waving my hand in her face to try to grab her attention away from the white walls. She grabs my hand quickly and twists it. "Ow, ow, ow, ow." I repeat as I try my best to keep my grip on Jack, desperately wanting to put him down so I can free my hand from her grip. "Edythe stop- it's me!" I say quickly raising my voice in pain. Zero enters the room as soon as he hears me scream at her. "Eliza!" He shouts to her. He grabs Jack from me and steps aside. I reach to her to remove her hand from mines, this was a bad idea. She gets up and quickly pins me down to the floor. "Don't move!" She shouts. "Do not move, or I will kill you!" I groan. "Edythe!" I try to grab her attention. "I said don't move!" She switches dialect and speaks something in Russian. A language I don't understand. I'm not sure why I believed she should've been cleared for work, she hides things very well. Zero shouts something back at her in Russian and she quickly lets go of my hand. She pauses for a second looking around the room, reality hitting her. She gets up stepping away from me. "I-, I'm sorry...I didn't mean.. I didn't-" She still looks a little spaced out. "Edythe.." I trail not wanting to startle her more. I take a step toward her, "It's alright..." I continue and she shakes her head putting her hand up, trying to keep the distance between us. "I hurt you.. I didn't mean- I'm so sorry.." She says as her voice cracks. "It's okay, I'm okay." I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into a hug. She tenses up at my touch, I kiss the top of her head and rub her back trying to sooth her. "Do you want me to call Janet, make an appointment?" I ask softly. She doesn't reply, as she gets used to being in my arms. "You can take another week off.." I suggest. "Edy.." She lets herself melt into my hug and she finally hugs me back. She lets out a big sigh, lead by a deep breath. She buries her face in my chest and takes another deep breath. "I'm okay now." She says pulling away. I frown, "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask dropping my hands down to her hips. She looks at me for a second, seeming as she's actually debating this option. 

"You ready for school? Did you eat?" She turns her attention to Zero, typical. She likes to avoid her problems. She's good at doing what's asked of her to get cleared, but once she has what she needs, she powers down again. "Edythe-" Zero looks to me, not really wanting to speak. We've discussed a few times, that we're both on the same page and are worried for her and her mental stability. He thinks going back to her dad's changed her, and that the Edythe I thought I knew is gone. "That's fine, we'll grab something on the way then let's go, or we're all going to be late." She takes Jack from Zero and smiles at him. "Hi baby" She gleams, her personality changing instantly. She kisses his cheek and grabs his bag and walks out of the room. I shake my head and Zero sighs following behind her. I out stretch my hand in front of me and clench it into a fist, trying to make it feel "normal" again. I grab the car keys from the nightstand and soon join the others in the car. 

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