My Promise To You:

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Some of season 12 episode 14 "Collision Course" Is spoiled in this chapter, if you are the type to not like spoils don't read, if you don't mind spoils or have already seen the show enjoy :)

- much love, Katy xoxo~

JJ's Pov:

        I arrive at the office an hour before I have to be at work, there are a lot of cases I need to go through. I flip through a few files before finding one that is interesting and a bit crazy. I pull out my phone and hit speed dial, Hotch is in the top 3, he groggily answers the phone. "Hey Hotch, I need everyone to come in. We got a case." I say staring down at the facts in front of me. It takes place in Bradenton, Florida. "Be there in 20." He says, "Babe, who is it?" I can hear a tired Edythe speaking in the background. Aaron hangs up the phone, and I call the others in a group phone call to inform them to come in for work.
         Within the next hour everyone arrives and we meet up at the round table, taking our usual seats. The seats we all unintentionally claimed as our own within the first few days we began working, the others like Edythe and Emily claiming empty seats due to others leaving for other work elsewhere. "What do you got for us today?" Morgan asks playing with a pen in his hand. "There have been 2 murders in Bradenton, Florida." Garcia fills in as she turns on the tv screen to show the first two victims. "They look like car crashes to me." Edythe replies looking up from her tablet, she seems to be a bit restless today, and uninterested in the case. It's true, she tends to be in the more adrenaline rushed cases, the more gory ones. Most of us would shrug this off, as Edythe just being Edythe, a crime junkie, loved it since childhood so she became a profiler, but after learning everything with her father and family back in Russia I...I don't know. I don't want to say I perceive her any differently than I once did before, but I definitely do. I'm not entirely sure how everyone else could fall naturally back into our old state, knowing what she used to do in Russia. I get that she herself was also a victim, but what of those she harmed? Is that excused? "Yes, and local police thought so too. Until a witness said they saw victim two not even holding the steering wheel, they looked as if they were in a panic. As if they couldn't control the car." What I say earns a frown of confusion on Reid's face, forming creases on his forehead. "So, what's our interest in all this?"

      "Both vehicles were 2012 Meridians and both of the drivers claimed to have lost control over their cars." Garcia explains as she pulls up pictures of the cars, "Two victims, one died due to critical injuries, but victim 1 is alive."

      "What about the car malfunctioning?" Aaron says swiping through his tablet to get a closer look at the photos, identical to the ones on the tv screen.  "That was suspected by the NTSB, so they did various testing and eventually came to the conclusion of ruling out any malfunctions or defects." Garcia says reading off her tablet making sure she isn't leaving out any details. I have to admit, we make a pretty good duo like this. "And it says here that it's unlikely that the driver made any errors. The drivers suffered head injuries in the crashes, and no one can recall any of the details." Morgan sits up, getting invested in piecing this puzzle together, I could see the team's engines in their heads turning as they trying to grasp and take in all of the information they are being fed. "Hacker?"

        "Hacker, maybe?" Spence and Edythe speak at the same time and share a glance at one another. "It's possible, same car model, two victims losing control of their cars. Most cars made after 2009 , regardless of make or model are vulnerable too hacking." Rossi chips in as he nods his head, it looks like we're piecing together the first little bit we need to get a case started. Aaron then asks Garcia to show us if there is any footage, and of course if anyone made sure to fine camera footage of these accidents, it's Pen. "Brace yourselves everyone, this isn't pretty." She pauses for a moment before hitting play, "Here we go."

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