Scotch Getting To You Hotch?:

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!!!!!THIS IS AN 18+ STORY!!!!!!

Today is my last day of college I finished my last test for this Semester. I have studied psychology, some aspects of laws, forensics and a few other things. While studying I have been training at the FBI academy to be the best to get into the FBI. I spent years practicing and I believe I'm ready.
I just need to go through a.) A bit of training and b.) Get my score back in for my test to see if I am qualified to work in the FBI for the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU). I have a series of scores I will get back from training. Sit ups, push ups, my mile run and many other things.

I went to a near by bar to release some stress. I know I know drinking shouldn't be my outlet for stress relief but hey I'm also celebrating cut me some slack. As I walk into the bar I take in my surroundings. The first thing I notice is the long dark brown bar counter and the Bartender standing behind it. Behind him is the rack of different types of alcohol such as, DonQ, Whiskey, red and white wine, Hennessy, Jack Daniels, Soju, and a variety of others. At the bar was a white male around age 30 dressed formally with a charcoal grey suit, the collar of his white dress shirt accentuating his chocolate brown hair. The music is loud Calabria 2007 is booming through the speakers. He is drinking a glass of scotch. I make my way over to the bar to order myself a drink. I make my way through the crowd of people dancing and talking the smell of alcohol mixing with sweat. It took me a few minutes to make my way to the bar but when I got there the man was already on his 5th drink. "Rough day?" I ask concerned about his well being. He scoffs and laughs slightly in response. "Yeah, you could say that I guess." I order scotch as well on the rocks and sat down on the stool beside him. I majored in Psychology it's my job to help people who need it. And the bags under his eyes and how many drinks he's had leads me to believe he needs a listening ear. He looks like he's in need of a friend not another drink. So, when he orders another one I grab the cup and slide it toward my way. Out of reach from him.

              "You shouldn't drink too much. Are you planning on driving home?" I ask him. He looks at me and raises his eyebrow. "Yeah, but I don't plan on driving home tonight." I nod and glance down at his hand to see a faint tan line where a ring used to sit. "No one I can call for you to pick you up?" I ask as I look up into his eyes. "No." he says simply signaling the bartender that he wants another round. "You don't need another drink, he doesn't need another drink he's fine." I tell the bartender who's name tag read "Steven". He nods and goes to attend other people at the bar. The man sighs and rubs his face. He must be sad, or stressed. Maybe even both. I note to myself. "Uh, you could come to my place for the night to crash and you could drive home in the morning or I could drive you home if you're sober enough to tell me your address." I state thinking the best idea would be for me to take him home and he could come with someone in the morning for his car. "I'm not drunk." He looks down at me. "But I'll take you up on that offer."   I give him a small smile and chug my drink before getting up and helping him to stand because no matter how much he swore he wasn't drunk. He was. 

           We some how made our way out of the bar and to my car. His weight unfortunately outweighs my strength and I struggle a bit to get him to the car. I open the passenger door as he leans onto the car for support. Though it doesn't help him much. "Come on." I say helping him into the car. Once he's inside I lean over him and grab the seatbelt and buckle him up. "Are you positive there isn't anyone I could call for you?" I ask once again knowing it's no use considering he can barley stand up right. He shakes his head no and I nod once more shutting the door and walking over to the driver side. I get into the car and buckle myself up and drive a few streets down to my apartment. I park into the parking spot that I always part at. By the curb in front of the tall tree that gives shade on hot sunny days to keep the car from overheating on the inside. I look over to the brown haired man and see that he has fallen asleep and I shake my head slightly. I grab keys out of the ignition and open the door getting out. I go over to the Passenger side once more to help him out of the car. We make our way to the old tall brick building. I open the door and go inside and make my way over to the elevator. "You got to try and help me here alright you're a grown man you're pretty heavy." I groan clicking the button to the 4th floor.

      Once we got to my door I pull out my keys and unlock the door stepping inside kicking the door with my foot to shut it.  I walk him into the living room and over to the couch so that he can sit down. I then go into the bathroom and open the cabinet and look for the Advil. I open the bottle and dump two pills into my hand and walk over to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I walk back over to him and sit on the coffee table in front of him "Here this will make you feel better in the morning if you don't throw it up first." I state with a small smile as he groans a bit and leans toward me and grabs the items from my hand "So, what's your name?" I ask curious since I have this random stranger in my house that could easily kill me I might as well get to know him a bit. He throws the two small orangey-red pills into his mouth and gulps down the water quickly. "Aaron Hotchner." He hands me the bottle back and I put the cap back on screwing the top on it. I smile again "I'm Edythe Blythe."

Word Count: 1322 Words

Author's note: Scotch Getting To You Hotch pt2 I will try to get up as soon as possible. Please feel free to comment and give me advice or feedback on the story line and the writing and wording itself I'm always open to constructive criticism but no hate please hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it

                                                                                                                                                                        ~Katy Xoxo

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