Happy Holidays:

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~Kinda unrelated to the plot. I just wanted to write a Christmas special for fun. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and happy holidays to those who don't.~

Picture is Edythe's Christmas Day outfit.

~Aaron's POV~

"Explain to me again why we have to hang lights on a tree?" Edythe asks, "The same reason we're baking ginger bread cookies." I reply simply as I hand her one end of the lights as I take the rest wrapping it around the tree. "Okay, but it all seems a bit pointless to me.. I mean." She shrugs, "A fat man coming down your chimney to gift children presents if they've been good and coal if they've been bad. I mean, how does he even know these things?" I plug the lights, and I smile as it brights up the room. "We don't even have a chimney, our fire place is completely electric." I laugh, "Have a little imagination Edythe."

"In Russia Christmas is just another ordinary day."

"What do you celebrate in Russia?" I question not understanding how can any kid miss out on Christmas., and Edythe more than many. "Well, we celebrate New Years." I raise an eyebrow, "Well think of it as that."

"So they'll be lots of drinking and drunk people?" She asks crossing her arms. "I..well there could be, but that's not usually how it goes." I hand her an ornament, gesturing for her to hang it up on the tree. "Aaron..." She sighs still not in the spirit. "Come on, it will be fun. You and the kid's first Christmas is coming up. I invited all of your favorite people over."

She puts the ornament on the tree and gives a soft smile, happy to be making me happy. "Fine. I'll cave. What else do we have to do?" She asks looking at me with a daring smile. "Well, we have to pack in years worth of missed out Christmases for both you and Zero, we should make it special."

"Then why aren't we waiting for Zero to get out of school to put this up?" Valid question I admit, "So that way he can be surprised when he comes home." I reply, the house is now filled with the aroma of fresh pine, and ginger bread. "We can watch movies, and make hot chocolate." She smiles as I ramble about all my favorite parts of Christmas. "Okay, I'm game."

"Really?" She nods, "Definitely

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"Really?" She nods, "Definitely."

"What the hell?" Zero looks around the house, a smiling Edythe Standing next to him. He drops his book bag at the door and kicks his shoes off. "When Mary explained to me Christmas I knew you Americans were head over heels for it but I didn't imagine this." He gestures to the whole entire house. We wrapped garlands around the staircase, and our obviously electric fireplace. We hung up stockings and put up the tree. The cookies are baked and set on a platter on the kitchen counter, and they arrived back just in time for freshly made hot chocolate.

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