Home Sweet Home:

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~Edythe's Pov~

"Your room was left untouched, I left it how you like it." I roll my eyes. "It's not like I was ever in it." He ignores my response as I sit my duffle bag on my bed. "Shower and get dressed there's people I'd like you to meet." I turn to him. "Seriously? I just got here I'd rather sleep." He points to the bathroom attached to my room. "Shower, dressed, downstairs." He orders. I put my hands up in defense. "Fine whatever." I open my bag to grab an outfit. "There's already an outfit picked out for you go." I stop what I'm doing and grown. I forgot the lack of free will I have here. "Okay." I say quietly trying to avoid an argument. I wait until he leaves the room before going into the bathroom. I look around at everything after shutting the door. As he said. Everything was left exactly how I last had it. You can tell by the heavy smell of lysol and lavender that it's been cleaned, anything that was moved out of placed was put back exactly how I left it. It was as if I never left. I turn on the shower and lean against the wall as I wait for the water to warm up. I get ready as fast as possible knowing if I'm not dressed in the next 15 minutes he'll come up stairs to rush me. I get dressed quickly and throw my hair into a quick messy bun before sliding on my boots and going downstairs.

I stop at the end of the stairs as I listen to my father yell into his phone. He lets out a huff before hanging up. "Kai go fetch the others she should be down any minute now." He orders the boy. He nods and walks past me. I fold my arms over my chest as he takes me in before turning back ahead and finding those who my father was asking for. I walk over to my fathers side standing next to him. "I have a group for you." I raise an eyebrow. "A group?" He takes a sip of his drink. "Yes, you'll train them. They have a lot to learn from you. You're the best apart from myself of course. I have things to handle. I don't have time to teach them everything I know. Now that you're back you can teach them."  I shake my head. "I'm not going to teach someone how to be a killer." He looks up at me and offers me his cup, I shake my head in response. "You're not teaching them to. be killers. merely, self defense." I scoff. "What? They shouldn't have a chance at life? Someone. puts a gun to their head just because they work for me. You don't think they deserve to at least know how to disarm them and walk away unscathed?" I stand silent. "Jesus, Veta and I thought my morals were bent out of shape. They have family too you know? Some even have kids of their own, dad, a mom, cousins.."


"Brothers, sisters-" I cut him off. "I said fine alright! I'll do it." He smiles. "Smart girl." Kai comes back with a small group of people. My father introduces me into everyone by pointing to them and saying their names, it's up to me to memorize it though it takes me just about no effort at all. "Kai." He points the the boy I mentioned earlier. He seems about 19, covered in tattoos, jet black hair, tall, he has some muscle to him. "Veronica." He then points to the red head, the one that was following Rossi and I the other day. I lift my chin up slightly taking her in. She shifts slightly, she's intimidated. "Ray." He points to another boy, though he's a bit shorter and younger than Kai. He has blonde hair and green eyes. "There's two others but they're busy right now." I nod understandingly. "This is my daughter Elizaveta, she will be teaching you how to not fuck up, and get yourself killed. If you can't make it pass her you have no business being here. And I suppose I don't need to explain what's going to happen if you don't make it pass her." He stands up. "Good luck." He says before leaving the room. I look to the group of people and turn on my heels. "Follow me." I direct them into the training room. I'm surprised that everything is in the exact place. "I assume you all have some sort of weapon on you, gun, knife, pepper spray. Something that you can use if you are cornered or have no other options left?" I raise an eyebrow waiting for them to show me. Kai reaches for his back waistband for his gun but he's surprised when it isn't there, it's like them for all of them with a weapon of their choosing. "You didn't notice the weight change?" I question holding up Kai's gun. He takes it back and I do the same with the others. "You have to be aware at all times." He puts his gun back into his waistband. "Ray." I wave him over. "You know how to fight?" I ask. He nods. "Speak up." I direct. "Yes."

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