Your Lost is My Gain:

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I frown at the board game, he won. Again. I don't know why I expected anything other than this outcome while playing chess up against Spencer Reid. I guess I'm just frustrated because of everything happening with Aaron. I wince in pain a bit. "Are you okay?" Spencer asks with a soft soothing tone. I don't answer him right away and I can see the worry written over his face. "Uh, yeah I'm okay." I adjust in my seat to try and get a little more comfortable.   He resets the board game as we land.

Once I get off the jet I walk over to the girls and asks if either of them have Tylenol. Elle hands me two and I take them gulping water down as well. We're here a bit early so we drop off our things at the hotel first. We then all head over to the police station to set up. On the way we were told to reroute to the crime scene. Turns out a killing was happening right as we were landing. We arrive on site and take a look around, and we break off in teams with our partners each looking at another part of the crime scene. Two of us inside, two out back, Hotchner talking to the detective, and two of us examining the body. I look close at the detailing of the killing. Tons of overkill... "It could be personal." Morgan Says. "I think so too.." I trail. "Revenge maybe. Took out the whole family. Father first children last." I state. "We should go tell Hotch." I nod in response. We head outside to find him. 

~Aaron's Pov~
Edythe and Morgan both approach me and discuss their findings on victimology. A detective approaches us. She's asking a few questions. "Has the victims family been notified." I ask. "No, I don't think so." Morgan replies, but my eyes are on Edythe. "Okay, Morgan can you go with detective Gardner and Edythe and I will speak with the family." Morgan nods and says "Okay." The two of them walk away. "Blythe." She says once he is out of ear shock. "What?" I question. "To you, it's Blythe." She says firmly. "All professional between the two of us, if it isn't for work I don't want you to talk to me. Co-workers. Nothing more, understood?" She asks. "I-" She cuts me off. "Understood?" She says firmly and louder than she did the first time. "Understood." I repeat. "Good." She says walking away to the truck and getting in. I sigh to myself as I get into the drivers seat starting the car. I glance over at Edythe and she's frowning. "Could you at least let me know if you are alright?" I ask, causing her to laugh. "Not work related." She replies not giving me an answer. I pull off and drive to the Franklin's house.

~Edythe's Pov~

I  get into the car putting my seatbelt on. I notice that Hotch doesn't usually put his on. I look toward the window trying my hardest to ignore him. I don't want to talk to him unless it's necessary. I can't be anything but professional with him. If I'm anything more than that I would just go right back to him. The pain isn't worth it. I frown feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. "Are you alright?" He asks. I roll my eyes. I don't want to talk about period pains with you of all people. "Not work related." I state bluntly. I shift my body toward the window and watch the trees blur by as he drives to the Franklin's house. I want to be angry at him for worrying about me because he has no right to my life, he has no right to my feelings. He's selfish. He tried to take more than what he needed. He cheated on his wife with me, he lied to me, he used us both. I have done many things that are worst than what he has done to Hayley and I both, one could argue that I am colder than him. That I am evil, sociopathic even, and yet I still wouldn't do this to anyone. 

We arrive at the Franklin's and both get out of the car. We knock on the door. "SSA Edythe Blythe and SSA Aaron Hotchner." I state showing off my badge. "May we come in for a few minutes?"

"Honey!" She calls out to her husband. She allows us inside and we take a seat on her couch. "We have news about your son Cameron." They frown for a split second. "Cameron? What did he do? Is he in some kind of trouble." Mr. Franklin asks. This is one of the worse parts of the job. "Your son is dead." Hotchner finishes for me. "He was murdered and we would like to ask you a few questions that may help us find his killer." He explains. They seemed overwhelmed with the information given to them. Then shocked. Then it sinks in and they realize that their baby boy is gone from this world forever. Mrs. Franklin is the first to burst into tears. Mr. Franklin initial response was anger. I look down at my hands then tuck my hair behind my ear. I give them a few minutes to process everything going on before asking them questions that may help the case. 

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