The Meet:

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~Spencer Reid's Pov~

I wake up early so that I could have time to make coffee. Although I still ended up rushing and running late. I get dressed and stuff a bagel into my mouth. I grab my coffee cup and rush out the door. "My bag." I whisper to myself and turn back to grab it and I head back out again. I rush to the metro station. I get on and take my seat. I sip my coffee and glance down at the puzzle in my hand. "6 down...Nonplussed." I look up and read the sign. 'Two more stops.' I think to myself. I look back down at the puzzle and solve the whole thing before I get off at my stop. I make my way into the federal building and up the elevator to the BAU. I sit at my desks as I wait for everyone else to arrive.  I drink my coffee as I read over today's newspaper. Morgan walks in and ruffles my hair. "What's up pretty boy?" He laughs and walks over to his desk sitting his bag under his desk tucked away and hidden. "Stop." I drag as I fix my hair.

"Morning guys." Elle says as she walks in and she sits down on my desk. "What are you up to?" She asks. "Reading the newspaper." I say folding it and laying it on my desk. I flash Gideon an awkward smile as he walks in and greets us all. "Hey dad." Elle jokes, Gideon seems unamused. "Don't call me dad." he says quickly going over to the coffee machine and putting some on. Elle chuckles to herself and shakes her head. JJ and Hotch walk in at the same time. They seem to be discussing something. I assume the case we will be working on today. They both head over to their own offices to set their things down. Edythe walks in and sighs. "Thank God I thought I was late." She says walking over to Elle and I. "No, not late." I speak looking up at her. "Ooh coffee." She picks up my cup and takes a sip. "I-" I start to object but she's already drinking it. She scrunches up her face. I notice that she reeks of alcohol. 

"Wow.." She says coughing a bit. "Yeah..." I trail off. "That's a lot of sugar." She hands me my cup back. "I know." I laugh at her. JJ pokes in and lets us know we all need to meet in the conference room asap. We all take quick glances at each other before heading to the conference room Garcia follows close behind shortly after. Everyone takes their usual seats. JJ stands in front of the screen and picks up the remote.  I watch her as she tucks her blonde hair behind her ear and she looks over at me. I quickly look down at the table in front of me. "In Omaha, Nebraska 2 males between the ages of 20-25 have gone missing while grabbing a drink at a local gay bar. Both males are from different ethnic groups, different social classes, and neither have ever crossed paths with each other. The only thing linking the two together is they were both killed within the same week and they were found within 15 miles of each other."

"So this unsub targets people of the lgbtq community." Morgan says. "And they do so quickly meaning we don't have much time to figure this out before another person goes missing." Edythe states. "Wheels up in 30." Hotch says standing. "We will discuss further on the jet." Everyone gathers up their files and heads over to their desk to get their go bags. Everyone expect for Edythe. She walks into the bathroom, I take my attention away from her as Gideon walks over toward me. "Hey kid." He says with a slight pause. "I got you a little something." I smile. " didn't have too-I Uh- I didn't get you anything." I say scratching at my nose. "It's two tickets to the ball game." He says handing me two tickets, I look over them. "I don't pay much attention to sports." I look up at him. "Yeah well, she does." He glances over at JJ. I look over at her as well. "Thanks." I get up and walk over to her asking if she would like to go. She accepts my offer.

~Edythe's Pov~

I run to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I stick my head in the toilet and gag. I throw up what little bit of breakfast I had this morning and sit down on the bathroom's tiled floor. Pull off a bit of toilet paper and wipe my mouth. My head throbs and I regret every drink I've ever had. I sit in the floor until Penelope comes in. "Edythe? are you in here?" She asks in a sweet soothing voice. "Yeah, I'm here." I throw the paper in the toilet. "Why are you sitting in the floor are you okay?" She asks concerned. I stand up and flush the toilet. "Yeah I'm okay." I come out of the stall. "I guess I just ate something bad." I lie not wanting to admit I'm hungover. Like father like daughter I guess.  She nods. "Well everyone is getting ready to head to the airport. Hotch wanted me to come find you and let you know it's time to leave." I wash my hands as she's speaking to me. She hands me a napkin to dry my hands. "Thanks." I head out to grab my go bag. I rush out to the trucks and Morgan and Reid are waiting for me. "Hey guys." I greet as I hop into the back seat shutting the door. "Hey hot stuff." Morgan flirts. "Shut up." I laugh. "No." he says starting the car and I put my seatbelt on. "I'll tell Garcia." He gasps. "You wouldn't dare." He acts shocked. "One phone call is all it takes." I joke back.

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