Son Of A Bitch:

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My door opens and I look up confused as to who could be here this late. Edythe walks in and smiles slightly. "Sorry, I don't mean to disturb you.I forgot my jacket." She says grabbing the black fabric from the chair she was once sitting in. "Goodnight." She says heading back for the door. She grabs the handle shutting it as she leaves. "Edythe-" I stop her before she shuts it completely. "Yes?" She says poking back into the room. "Come in for a second please." I request standing from my chair closing the file and placing my pen down beside it. She walks back into the room shutting the door behind her. She crosses her hand and jacket over in front of her as she attentively watches and listens to me. I walk over to her and take the jacket from her hands and place it back down on the chair. I tuck her hair behind her ear and rest my hand on her cheek. "All I could think about today was you." I start. She locks her eyes on mine. "I couldn't help but think about getting you alone." I speak inches away from her face. "Yeah? Why's that?" She asks speaking nothing above a whisper. Scared her voice may fail her and knock the wind out of her. "So that I could do this."

I lock my lips onto Edythe's quickly. She pushes me and places her hand over my chest. "We cannot do this Aaron."

"We can't, or we shouldn't?" I place my hands on her waist pulling her in. And in a matter of seconds she has made up her mind and her lips are on mine.

"Aaron." I could hear my name being called. I wake up fully and look beside me to see Haley. "Wild dream?" She asks. I frown confused as to how that was a dream and not reality. "What?" I question hoping i didn't say anything. "You were tossing in your sleep." She explains as I quickly look over at the clock. "Shit." I say aloud. It's 9:30am. I'm suppose to be at work already. I get up out of bed And open the closet pulling a shirt off the hanger "Can you hand me my tie?" I speak quickly as I button up my shirt. She grabs it and looks back at me and down at my sweat pants. "I can help you with that." She offers getting out of bed walking over to me. "We could be quick" She suggests as she wraps the tie around my neck and ties it. "It would be fun. "I really should be going I'm really late already." I say grabbing my watch putting it on. "Exactly you're already late. You're their boss so what? Tell them you got stuck in traffic, that your tire went flat. We never have time for us anymore." 

I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth quickly. Haley leaning against the door frame "Aaron..." she trails. "When I get home. I promise. I can't right now." I peck her cheek. "I love you I'll see you later." She sighs "Don't forget your jacket."

"Yeah." I say grabbing it. And and throw it on running my fingers through my hair. Haley goes back over to the bed and sits as I dash out of the room. I quickly grab my car keys and phone and head to work. I go in seeing everyone already at the round table. They all look to me shocked that I was late. "Rough night?" Morgan jokes. "Sorry Im late. What do we have?" I ask yawning a bit. "I brought everyone coffee." Edythe says holding up a cup to me with my name on it. Life saver. I thought to myself. "Thank you." I take the cup from her hands and she flashes me a smile. I glance at her lips quickly and take a sip off coffee to distract myself of the dream I had last night. What the hell am I thinking? I take a seat in the empty chair next to Gideon. "You alright?" He asks as JJ briefs the team on our next case. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I state raising an eyebrow. 

"Lucky for us this case is right here in Virginia so we can get started quickly." JJ explains. I look down and open the file trying to catch up.
"Alright I want Reid and Edythe on victimology." I say standing up. "Morgan why don't you call Garcia and see if she can find any connections between the 3 victims. Gideon and I will head to the crime scene." Everyone nods and standing up. "Elle talk to the victims family-"
"On it." She says quickly standing and leaves the room. "JJ will you stay here and set up the board and keep the press under control?" She nods and gathers her file and walks out of the room over to the pin board.

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