Remember Me:

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Edythe's Pov:

        I wake up to beeping sounds, my vision is blurry so I can't make out exactly where I am. I try to formulate words but my throat is to dry. My head throbs and my body aches. Aaron...I think to myself as I recall the memories of recently occurred events, things I wish I forgotten instead. Aaron's knuckles turning white as he grips the steering wheel, trying to keep from hitting any innocent civilians, though no matter what we did inside of the car, the outcome would've always been the same, a car crash. That's exactly how it ended. I sit up trying to get myself out of bed but it's hard to move, my right arm is in a cast while an IV is hooked to my left. This reminds me of how much I hate hospitals. I struggle to pull out the IV with my casted up hand, but I manage to do so. Did the rest of the team get the blow on this as well? Is Aaron dead? I frantically look around the room for my belongings, hoping I could call the team to figure out what's going on. My vision coming back completely, I find my stuff in a clear bag resting on a chair. I dump it all out onto the empty chair and move my shirt out of the way to find my phone. "What are you doing out of bed?" I turn my head to see Spencer in the doorway. "Aren't you suppose to be in the field?" I ask, so it was just Aaron and I, good. I pick up my phone, it's 5:39 in the morning, I've been out for hours. "I just switched out with Garcia, so she could get some sleep...they're going to need her in the field a lot more than usual on this case." I wince in pain and put my hand on my forehead, realizing their's a cotton bandage there.

          "You okay?" He rushes over to me, "You really shouldn't have taken this out.." He states, noticing the IV has been removed, "Numerous complications could occur just by simply removing a needle incorrectly such as-" I cut him off, not up for listening to him ramble when my mind is on Aaron. "Where's Aaron?" I ask, "I want to see him, is he alright?" He pauses as if you think carefully over his words which causes a panic to rise within me. "Spencer." I say sternly, "We should talk with the doctor first." He says fidgeting with his hands, this causes me to frown but I decide not to push my luck. "Then, we'll talk to the doctor." I look around the bed and find the push button that alerts the doctor or a nurse on call to come to a patients aid once pressed. I hit the button and wait until the doctor arrives.

         "Glad to see you finally awake miss Blythe." The doctor who's name tag reads, 'Starla Whitley' on it. "Edythe." I correct, I hate being called by my last name, it makes me feel so old. "Edythe then." She corrects, the smile fading from her face as she notices my IV has been taken out. "Did a nurse help you with that?" She flips through pages in my chart, trying to figure out who would've done this without consulting with her first. "No." I answer straight up, "I'm not a big fan of needles, I wanted to see my boyfriend, Aaron Hotchner. Is he also under your care?" I ask sitting on the bed one ankle over the other as to not flash anyone. "No, he's being taken care of by our head of Neuro Dr. Andrew Blevins."

      "Neuro?" This can't be good. "Wha- can I speak with Dr. Blevins?" I ask and she nods, "Sure, just let me check a few thinks with you first and we'll work in you seeing Aaron and Dr. Blevins." She checks my heart, my pupils, and changes out my bandage before asking me if I was in any pain. Of course I told her no. "Dr. Blevins will be here shortly." Spencer leaves the room to grab the both of us a cup of jello,his favorite, and a bottle of water. After about 15 minutes, Dr. Blevins comes into the room, he seems a lot more worn out and stressed compared to Dr. Whitley. "What can I help you with today Edythe?" I guess Dr. Whitley gave him the memo. He pulls out his light pen and holds up his finger. "Look here." He wants to double check and make sure there isn't any underlying bleeds that he missed before, apparently he's had someone come in every now and again to check. "No, I'm all good." I speak as I stare at his finger, he puts his pen back into the safety of his coat pocket. "And Aaron? When can I see him?" I ask annoyed that no one is telling me what I want to hear.

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