Case One: 5 Days left

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JJ starts right away with the case and explaining everything to us. She turns the screen on. Pictures of multiple girls pops up on the screen. "All of these girls went missing in Seattle. They went missing for about a week before turning up dead in a ditch. Starting with Kacey Bethlehem age 22 was kidnapped and missing for a week in Seattle then she was found in a ditch on Fitzwater Street by a mother strolling down for a walk with her baby.  Then Megan Standoff" she pulls up the pictures of each girl one by one until she gets to the latest victim. "Heather Woodland, age 24 she went missing 2 days ago." JJ states then looks to the team. "So we only have 5 days to save this girl?" I state more as question than as a statement not confident in my answer because I don't quite feel as I fit in yet though I know I'm correct.

"He definitely has a type. Blonde mid-length hair early to mid 20s" Elle says analyzing the photos a bit more.

"Look's like we should get going then." Gideon suggests.

Hotch's Pov:

"Wheel's up in 30." I say standing and grabbing the file off the table. I walk over to my office to grab my go bag as the others do the same. We all quickly grab everything that we need and some of us grab quick snacks from the vending machine. We all pile onto the jet and take our seats and with my luck, I got the last seat right next to Edythe. I place my go bag in the overhead compartment then I straighten my jacket a bit and take a seat. I sit the file down on the table in front of us. Elle and JJ sit in the seats across from us. To the right side, Reid is sitting by the window alongside Morgan, Gideon sits across from them setting up a game of chess for Reid and himself to play to pass the time.

I look over to my left to see Edythe reading over the file. She does this a few times before leaning her head against the window and shutting her eyes. I notice the side of my lips twitching into a slight smile and I quickly regained my composure. I play with the ring on my finger for a bit before slipping it off and into my jacket pocket. I know I probably shouldn't have taken it off but she believes I'm a single man. If I suddenly had the ring on she could become anger with me at the fact that I didn't tell her the truth the night we met. I don't want what happened or happens between us outside of work to effect our work.

I've noticed that everyone has fallen asleep expect for myself. I look at the watch on my wrist and it is pretty early, though I can't seem to fall asleep. I keep thinking about Haley and all of our fighting and how I cheated on her with my now co-worker. I shift in my seat at the thought of Edythe and what we've done with and to each other. I shake my thoughts away. I can't see her like that, she's my co-worker and I have a wife. I sigh to myself. I don't want Haley anymore. We're too different now things have changed. She isn't the girl from high school anymore and neither am I that guy from high school. She was loving and supportive in my work at first but now it's as if all has changed. She wants different things now, but I can't help but beat myself up over what I have done. There is no reconcile anymore. 

Of course I want kids someday and I don't mind that but she wants me to work a 9 to 5 job for us to have a family. I can't be stuck in that kind of routine. Especially not a desk job. It's not impossible to have children with the type of job I have it's just extremely hard because my hours are at random causing me to not be home as often as I should be for a kid but I can try. Haley would be home almost always anyway, there wouldn't be a problem or a time where the child wouldn't have someone there with him or her but Haley doesn't seem to understand that. I try my best to explain to her but she won't hear me out she just keeps fighting and fighting me and I try and I try and it all feels like it's for nothing.

"Excuse me." Edythe's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look up at her, she's now standing trying to pass. "I have to use the bathroom could you move a little so I could get by?" she whispers as to not wake anyone in the process. I move out of her way and she walks past me and into the bathroom changing the lock from a red "Vacant" to a green "Occupied." I yawn and rub my facing thinking to myself. I should probably get some sleep now. I shut my eyes and try to do so.

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