Case One: 3 Days Left

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I introduce the sketch artist Timothy to Megan. "Okay, everything that you told me you need to tell Timothy okay?" She nods understandingly. "He has black hair, it was kind of messy, kind of long like yours but he had some curls.."She watches as he draws making sure he gets all of the details she's telling him. Whenever inaccurate she is sure to correct him. 

"He has blue eyes, he was tall...6ft or so and a beard around here." She shows him on her face how his beard looked. He finishes the picture, then hands it over to me and I thank him. I walk out and back over to the board where Gideon and Hotch are standing looking at all of the evidence. "She said his hair's black, blue eyes 6 feet tall."

Both men look at me. "I'll call JJ she can get this out to the press. Hotch takes the photo from my hand and pins it to the board. He takes a photo and sends it too JJ. "Hey JJ you're on speaker, Hotch is sending you a picture of what the unsub may look like. Do you think you can get it out to the press?"

"Yeah of course I just got it, I'll put it out now." She says before hanging up. "Jesus, how many girls did he kill?" Megan asks looking at the board. I go to speak but Gideon beats me to it.

"Come with me." He says and takes her to have a seat. I turn my attention back over to the board.

"He was interrupted. If she's here where is he?" I ask aloud. "Probably on the hunt for his next victim." I turn to look at him. "And what are we suppose to do?"

I raise an eyebrow crossing my arms over my chest. "We hope he makes a mistake, so that it's easier to catch him." I nod in response. "Did she tell you anything significant to the case?" he asks curiously.

"She said she jumped out of the window to get away form him, scratched herself on a rose bush so maybe this guy has a garden in his yard." I state. "Did she see any street names?" I shake my head. "No, not any that she remembers. Can't be too far from where we picked her up from."

"What street was it?" He asks walking over to the map Reid was working on earlier determining the unsub's comfort zone. "Willows Peak Ave." I state walking over to the map with him. "It's not too far from his comfort zone." I point to where the street is located compared to the radius of where he takes his victims usually.

He places a red pin on the map, in the spot where I was point to. "If we found her at Willows Peak, and she was on foot...Hotch I'm sure it's likely he chased after her. He was close by at the time she called us. Perhaps even when we arrived." Frustration laces my voice. We should have set up an immediate perimeter. "If he's close then he know's we're after him. He'll start to deteriorate."

"He'll kidnap another girl soon to replace the one he's lost, this is it isn't it? the mistake we're hoping for? This knocked him off course, his plans has changed." I say quickly. "Yeah, but if we don't find him soon he might speed up the process. We don't have much time. We're ready to deliver the profile." He states. "I'll call the team." I take my phone out and call Morgan, I tell him to get back to the station with the team as soon as possible.

As we wait for the team Hotch gathers the police into the room. Soon everyone arrives. I greet a the team as they come in and brief them as we all walk into the room where everyone else is. They soak up the information. We meet with Hotch in the front of the crowd.

"We believe our unsub is in his mid to late 30s." Elle starts. "The stab wounds and slashes are clean cuts." Gideon points to the picture on the board. "Which leads us to believe he is in the medical field or has some medical knowledge."

"We know he's not a sadist due to the way he handles his victims, he beat his victims to death suggesting there's some form of hatred for these women probably a surrogate for the woman he actually wants." Hotch explains. "Wait so why not just go after the one he really wants why kill all of the other innocent people?" One of the cops asks curiously. "He probably can't get to the one he really wants, maybe work gets in the way or she's too far. There could be a number of reasons." JJ adds.

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