To New Beginnings:

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~Edythe's pov~

"Hey, I'm home!" I say as I open the door and hanging my keys on the hook. Aaron looks at me from the couch, "You were out late today." He states, sipping what I assume to be coffee. "Yeah, I was catching up with some friends, I have nothing better to do considering I'm out of work." I sit on the opposite side of the couch as to not make him feel uncomfortable or awkward. "I-" He sits his mug on the table in front of us. "Why didn't you text me back?" He looks over at me, a bit of attitude lacing his voice. "I didn't know that was an obligation."

"You could've at least read it." 

"I read it. I made it home safe mission accomplished." I stand up, honestly ready to go to the room. "I'm just saying, a little communication couldn't hurt." His eyes follow me as I stand, now in front of him. "Well, I'm telling you now, I read it, I'm home safe. I didn't text back, my bad but I'm here. Why are you making it such a big deal?" I slide my hands into my back pocket of my black jeans. I admit I have a tad issue with my anger, so I'm working on keeping it in check right now. "You're coming home late. You didn't make an effort to call or text me back. This is our home. Under my roof I'm responsible for everyone in it." 

"Your roof?" I scoff, "My name is on the lease, not yours. I handle the financials, not you." I cross my arms over my chest. "You're acting so uptight, we're not together. You don't love me, you can't even remember me, or this house. Better yet or anyone in it, so don't go preaching to me like I'm some child with a curfew." I turn my back on him and go to the room. I don't have it in me to continuously argue with him. We won't work like this, I just know it. 

~Aaron's pov~

"Edythe-" She ignores me as I call out to her. I didn't expect that to turn into another fight. Fighting is the last thing I want to do with her. I'm trying to accept the life I was handed, rather I remember it or not. But it isn't easy. I walk upstairs and knock on the door on the right. "Edythe.." I trial, when she doesn't answer me I push the door open. "Edythe." When I enter the room, she's sitting on the end of the bed. A picture frame in her hand. I walk over to her and sit next to her, I place my hand on hers. Which is still gripped tightly on the picture. It's one of us, together and happy. I'm staring straight ahead into the camera, smiling. While Edythe has her arm rested on my shoulder, her head slightly turned into the crook of my neck as she's smiling, or as if at the time the picture was taking she was laughing. 

I run my thumb over her hand, "I'm sorry." She looks up at me, "I am so sorry." I put my hand on her face and she leans her forehead onto mine, closing her eyes. "I'm sorry to." She whispers, "I don't know why I'm always so angry." Now I notice how tense her body is, there's so much I don't remember about her. Things that bother her, things that make her feel better. I know things have been tough for her, from what she's told me. I empathize with it, but I don't really know her anymore.

"What were we doing?" I place my hands on both sides of the frames over her small ones. She smiles softly. "We uh, we all went out for JJ's birthday." She looks up at me, "It was at this diner that she really loves, Penelope planned it as a surprise." I frown slightly trying to remember this day, but with no luck. "Um.." She thinks as she rememberers her own version of that night. "And of course, she was taking pictures the whole entire night. You were smiling for the picture, but I got distracted by Spencer trying to dance with JJ. I found it hilarious." She chuckles at the memory. "It sounds like, everyone had a fun time."

"We did." The smile on her face never leaving. "Edythe." She hums in response, I pause for a second before leaning into her. I plant a soft kiss on her lips, she falls into it easily. "Wait-" She pulls away, "It's okay." I tell her before leaning in for another kiss, she has no hesitation this time. 

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