I Can't Lose You Again:

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I wake up to an empty bed confused. I scratch my head as I get up out of bed walking to the bathroom so that I Could pee and shower for the day. I struggle to open the door this fully wakes me up. "Aaron?" I knock lightly on the door. I knock a little harder when there's no answer. "Aaron?" He still doesn't reply. This worries me. "Answer me, hello?" I fiddle with the door knob for a second. "Come on Aaron, this isn't funny open the door." I say a bit louder knocking on the door with my palm. "Aaron!" I shout getting frustrated. Then, the worry sets in. He just lost his ex wife, he watched her die, now he has the stress of a kid he didn't even know he had on his shoulders. "He wouldn't." I think aloud to myself. I go to the room finding a Bobby pin to pick the lock with. It works.

I open the door to see Aaron laying against the tub asleep. I sigh in relief glad that he's okay. I walk into the bathroom over to him kicking his foot. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I kick his foot lightly again. He groans tiredly. "Did you sleep here all night I bet it was uncomfortable." I state. "Very." He mutters barley awake. He lays down onto the floor putting his arm under his head to sleep. "There's a perfectly good bed in your room, use it." I reply. "The floor is cold. It's nice." I smile at him in amusement. "Go, I have to pee!" I exclaim. He groans again. "Fine." I say sitting down on the toilet to pee. "It's not like it's something I haven't seen, besides my eyes are closed." I shake my head even though I can't see him. I kick him again playfully. "Bed now." I say wiping then flushing the toilet. I pull my pants up and wash my hands before drying them on the light blue towel hanging on the rack.

He groans again ignoring me. "Come on I have to get ready for work and Jack will probably be up soon." I lean against the door frame waiting for him to get up. "Jessica is suppose to call when she's on her way." I raise an eyebrow. "Jessica's coming over?" I question confused. "Yeah, she's going to watch Jack so that I can go back to work." He explains to me. "You don't need more time off?" He shakes his head no before sitting up. I state at him confused. Usually people take a lot of time off when they grieve a loved one. "Are you sure?" I ask making sure he's 100% okay with coming back to work today. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"You know everyone will understand if you need more time-" he shakes his head cutting me off. "I don't need more time I need to get back to work." I cross my arms over my chest feeling a bit cold. "Okay." I state. "Then get up and get ready." I order. He turns the shower on and I pack my bags as he does so. I place them into the car. It's time I moved back into my own apartment. It's better this way.

I walk into Aaron's room to see Jack scrunching his face. He's going to cry. I find his diaper back quickly and find a empty clean bottle, I fill it with water and baby formula and I shake it up as I walk back down the hall to feed him. I swoop him up and shake the bottle in his face. "You hungry?" He cries reaching for it. I pop it into his mouth and he latches onto it, quickly shutting up. I walk around the room as he drinks the bottle. I talk aloud to myself of all the things I have to do today. When he finishes the bottle Aaron steps out of the shower and starts getting dressed. I throw a blanket over my shoulder and burp Jack. "Come on You'll feel gassy later if you don't get it out." I speak softly in Jack's ear. I pat his back gently.  "I'll take him go get ready." Aaron says as he loops his belt onto his pants buckling it. "I hold out Jack to him and get takes him. "Come on." He takes him and starts patting his back. "He might spit up put the blanket over your shoulder." I inform him. "I'll be fine." He sits down on the bed with Jack end sits him in his lap. He leans him forward slightly and cups his cheeks in his hand and pats his back with the other. "Blanket!" I point as I rush to take a shower.

When I get Out I hear Aaron say, "Crap!" I walk into the room as I dry my hair with a separate towel, a matching one wrapped around my body. "I told you to use the blanket." I look at the baby's spit up all over his pants. "Come." I reach for Jack after throwing the towel into the dirty hamper. "Go change." He does so quickly so that I can have enough time to get ready. The door bell rings at this time. "I got it!" Aaron yells. "I can hear you!" I yell back as he comes out of the closet slipping on his pants. He laughs and shakes his head as he walks down the hall through the living room to the front door. I listen as he greets Jessica while I put Jack down onto the bed and get dressed. I brush through my hair leaving it down today, allowing it to air dry. I slip on my shoes last before picking Jack back up and taking him out to Jessica. I could feel her eyes on me glaring into my soul as soon as I walked into the room.

Where It All Startedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن