Til Death Do Us Part Right?

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~Edythe's pov~

"We should all grab something to eat it's relatively earlier than usual when you all get back home." Garcia suggests. "Sure I'll come" Emily says happily. "I'll go, JJ?" Spencer questions and she smiles and agrees to go as well. "Okay good Morgan?" Garcia asks and he shakes his head in response. "I want to get some sleep tonight. We don't get the chance often enough." She pouts. "Come on please." He shakes his head again. "Edythe." I turn and watch as Hotch heads to his office. "It's going to be a long night for him, I think I'm going to stay back and lend a hand."

"No, come with us, I'm sure he'll postpone his work for an hour or two." Emily begs. "Yeah of course we should invite him even if he says no. So, that way he's included." Garcia adds quickly.

"Hotch." JJ calls too Aaron grabbing his attention. He stops as he reaches the stairs and turns back to face all of us. "Yes?" He questions. "We're all going out to eat you should come." She gives him a light sweet smile. "I have some paper work to do. Maybe some other time." He apologizes and heads into his office. I watch as he pulls out a stack of paper work and I shake my head turning back to the team. I knew he would say no. He always has a pile of work to do."Poor Aaron, he's overworked." Garcia says softly.Everyone turns back to me. "What?' I question.

"You should ask him, he won't tell you no." Emily says pointing to me. "Yeah because he's in love with you and all." JJ agrees "Wh-" I start. "Yeah go, he can do the work tomorrow come in early or something he needs a break." Spencer adds. "Uh, okay..I'll try." I say shrugging and turning on my heels. Garcia's voice trying to convince Morgan to tag along disappears the further away I walk from them. I walk into his office poking my head in first. "Hey." He doesn't look up from his paper still writing. "Hi." Hey states plainly and I slip into the room closing the door. "Everyone's really missing you. They want you to come." I say walking over to him. "I can't. I've already explained to them I have work to do." I tilt my head to the side giving my best doe eyed look. "I want you to come." He looks up at me now. "Please?" I add letting a smile creep onto my face. "I really should finish the files." I walk behind him wrapping my arms round him from behind, letting my chin rest on his shoulder as I look down at his papers. "We can do them tomorrow. I'll help you, we can stay behind late after a case or come in extra early, I'll do half." I speak softly in his ear. "Just come, take a break, have fun, spend time with your friends." I try my best to convince him.

He sighs slightly stopping his writing looking down at his papers. He turns his head to look at me, I tilt my head slightly so that I could face him too. "You're going?" He asks. "Yes, I'm going." I state. "Everyone else will be there too, I'm sure Penelope convinced Morgan by now." I keep my voice at a soothing tone. It isn't hard to convince someone to do what you want them to do, but this way is the best way I know how. Be comforting and if that doesn't work, seduction works wonders as well. "I suppose I could do this tomorrow." He states setting his pen down. "Great." I smile. "And you're stuck helping me since I'll fall behind." I laugh in response standing up letting go of him. I put my hands up in defense. "Hey, I promised I would help didn't I? I got you." I say before pecking his lips. He leaves his papers on his desk ready for tomorrow. He puts his hand on the small of my back to guide me out of the room. Once we're outside of his office he drops his hand. "Can I drive?" I question. "Please?" He hands me his keys. "Okay, but no speeding." He states. I have a tendency of speeding a little. What can I say? I like to drive fast. "Okay, okay, I won't speed." The team smiles when they see us. "So, you''ll be joining us sir?" Garcia asks joy lacing her voice. She does a great job making sure everyone is included. "Yes." He replies simply. "Great! We're all ready to go then."

I take ahold of Aaron's hand in mine and he looks down at our hands as we're walking into the restaurant. He lifts our hands up to his lips and plants a kiss on mine and we go in. The waiter directs us to our seats then takes our order of drinks. "So, are you guys official yet?" Garcia asks Spencer and JJ, and the both of them turn a deep shade of pink. "I- um.." JJ tries to speak but she's entirely way to flustered. She turns to Spencer and he's looking down at his hands with a small smile on his face feeling a little awkward and maybe embarrassed. "Are you and Morgan?" I change the subject and Spencer mouths to me a small thank you. I shoot him a small nod and Garcia laughs. "We're just friends." Morgan laughs with her. Everyone knows they're only friends but it's always fun to tease. "Yeah, alright tell that to everyone at work." Emily jokes. "I could've swore the first day I came to work you two were dating." Spencer says. "Yeah, you guys were close since the first day she started working here." JJ adds. Aaron laughs a bit trying to keep it in, trying to stay composed. This causes me to smile. Our drinks and food arrives, we thank the waiter and continue talking and joking around as we eat. We do this for about an hour and a half.

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