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~ Edythe and Aaron's relationship is still platonic. Edythe won't talk to him unless it's work related she ignores him otherwise. She has been seeing a psychologist recommended by Hotch, it was the only way he would let her continue working if she didn't want to discuss the loss of the baby with him. Edythe has also developed extremely impulsive behavior, she's reckless and hasn't been thinking straight since she lost the baby. She agreed to go to the session but she never really talks much. The team is still clueless to the affair and Haley is oblivious to the fact that Edythe is the woman that slept with her now ex husband. Haley is 7 months into her pregnancy. She still lives with her sister. They both figured it was easier and best for the both of them and for the baby if she stayed. Haley still hasn't spoken to Hotch about being pregnant. The last they've heard from each other was at the court hearing about the divorce. Elle has left the BAU because she was promoted. Jason Gideon retired 4 months later. ~

~Haley's Pov~

I have been doing well without Aaron. I never thought I would say this but leaving him was the best decision I have ever made for my child and I. What kind of mother would I be if I were to let my baby boy be raised by someone who can't teach him how to be a decent man. My sister and I decided on naming him Jack. Jack Hotchner. I will raise Jack on my own but I will teach him the good his father used to be and I'll pray and hope that he only gains all of his good traits. I place my hand on my belly as I feel him kick and I smile. "Hi baby." I speak to him. "Mommy, can't wait to hold you." My sister comes in the house from work and she greets me. She sits a pizza on the counter. "Into pizza today?" She asks me. "Definitely." I open the box taking a slice. She goes to her room to change her clothes. We spend the whole night talking and laughing about dumb things on tv.

Around 2:23am I wake up feeling contractions. I wake up and sit up in bed for a second. I rest my hand on my stomach. Once the pain dies down a bit I get out of bed and walk to my sisters room knocking on the door before I enter. "Jessica." I whisper. She doesn't answer. I walk over to her and shake her. "Jessica wake up." She wakes up slowly. "Hm?" She turns over in bed. "I'm having contractions get up." I say. She sits up in bed. "How far are they apart?" She asks. "I don't know like 7 minutes apart." I state. "Okay just let me get my shoes." She hands me the car keys from her nightstand. "Start the car I'll grab your bag." She says sliding on a pair of sneakers. I go out to the car and start it before going over to the passenger side. Its to early to have Jack. I've only been pregnant for 7 months. I'm so unprepared. I knew there was a chance at having him early but I was truly expecting a full term pregnancy.

My sister gets into the car putting her seat belt on and pulling off. What if it isn't time for him to come out but something is wrong with him. I hope everything is okay. I play my hand over my stomach and I could feel him kick. I keep track as to how far apart my contractions are up until we arrive at the hospital. Once we arrive we get signed in and they take me up to a room. I'm laying on the bed holding my sisters hand. "You got this." She encourages. In this moment I really wish it was Aaron holding my hand telling me everything will be okay. I understand now, that we don't always get what we want out of life.  I appreciate my sisters support but it really just sucks that it isn't him. Jack is his son too, he should be here. I wish he was here. He set his own path when he cheated on me though. When he decided I was no longer his. I can't put all the blame on him alone. I also decided I wasn't his. I tried my best to recommit to us, and it was just never enough. I wasn't enough for him to prioritize and along the way he wasn't enough for me to prioritize anymore either. Maybe I made the greatest mistake of my life, and now I live in the aftermath. I should have held on long enough and maybe, just maybe my Aaron would have came back to me. 

We should be rasing Jack together. Teaching him everything he needs to know to be ready for adult life. A part of me regrets keeping this from him, but he'll never believe me now. They get me up and walking around trying to help me dilate. Some of the doctors are talking about inducing me. I'm ready to have this baby, but I would be lying if I said another part of me wasn't hoping to keep him in a little while longer. Once I'm dilated enough I Iay back down in the bed and the doctors all prep me for delivery. "Ready to push?" She asks. I nod as my sister grabs my hand in hers. I push and keep pushing until I'm told to stop. I could hear him cry and I try to sit up a little. I could see them cutting the cord. They lay him on my chest for a few seconds before taking him away to clean him up. I know in this moment I should feel nothing but joy and happiness, but I can't help but think it should've been Aaron cutting his cord not some random doctor. 

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