Well This Is Awkward:

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Zero's POV:
I wake up early in the morning with a big yawn, I walk into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge as Edythe and Aaron come into the room discussing who is staying home today. "This will be a good time for you two to get to know each other and bond." Edythe claims as she shuts her mouth as she notices me, "Morning." I say tiredly to them, neither of them want to leave me home alone today, with everything that happened at school it's closed for some time to give everyone some time to try and cope. "Good Morning." Edythe greets back and Aaron gives me a small smile before pouring coffee into his cup, they have it set to brew everyday around the same time. "Besides, you never miss work, it will be a good time to take a breather." She contained to defend the choice she made for the both of them. "You won't miss a thing, I'll keep you updated."

"I have so much paperwork to handle-" she cuts him off but telling him not to worry about all of that. "I got it handled babe, I'll do it for you no worries." She says trying to calm his nerves. "Strauss will throw a fit." Aaron says sipping his coffee, not adding in any cream or sugar and Edythe scrunches her face at this. "She can't throw a fit about something she doesn't know about, I'll be it home and all You'll have to do is sign off on all of them, trust me." She ensures and he looks at me then back to her. "Alright, I'll spend time with the boys." He says, this not flowing out naturally to him, it's like he still hasn't gotten used to being a father.

"Just call me if anything," she says to Aaron then looks directly back at me and points her finger, definitely a mom move. "You, be good." She orders as she grabs her car keys from the center of the table.  "Give Jack as kiss for me." She says as she pecks Aaron on the mouth and waves bye to me and I nod in response. The both of us watch as she leaves shutting the door behind her, hoping she could stay here and be the middle ground between us forever. Aaron and I haven't really spoken much since I got here, we speak to one another when necessary but it feels a bit awkward at times. He isn't a bad guy or anything, I just feel as though he isn't sure what to do with me, and it's clear I wasn't someone he was expecting to live with. I'll be out in a couple of years anyway.

Edythe always insist that we will eventually get along. Neither of us have a problem with one another but, we don't communicate well. Jack stumbles into the room as he tries to walk and Aaron turns his attention to him quickly, he smiles instantly at the sight of his son. I wonder what it would be like for someone to smile at me like that. My parents were never around when I was growing up and when they were, it was always something going on, they needed money, someone in the family was dead, until finally, they messed with the wrong guy, Viktor and they too were dead soon after. That's how I ended up with him, he'd spare me as long as I paid the debt of my parents to him, and as any scared kid would do, I went with it. It was a terrible Idea, because it let me to do horrible and horrific things, but some days, I was beginning to become afraid of myself, because I started to like it. Then, Edythe came into my life and turned everything upside down, and now I'm living a semi-normal life. As if the past never existed, to live a life like this and not have anyone know anything about you or your past, she's a good liar. I give her that, I'm not so sure if I am, or if I could keep it up as long as she had done. Aaron swoops Jack up into his arms and turns to me. "I'm not much of a cook, but I could go buy something for breakfast if you like, anything specific you want?" He asks and I shake my head. "No, get me whatever you're having." I state being indecisive as hell, we didn't really have training on choices of freewill, we got what we got or nothing. He nods, "You're okay if I leave him with you?" He asks, I can tell he's a bit nervous about leaving his only child alone, with someone who was raised to be a psychopath basically. "Yeah, it's fine." He hands Jack over to me as he explains where everything is that Jack may need, but I've already noticed by now, where everything is kept. I'm a fast learner, I had to be, I know exactly what to do. He grabs his car keys before looking at the both of us again before making his exit. I stand up holding Jack as I peer pass the blinds as he pulls out of the driveway off to wherever to grab food. Once I could no longer see him I shut the blinds and sit Jack down on the floor. I pace the house fully looking at every single room, I count the windows, I count how many points of entrances/exits there are.

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