Sometimes You Need A Friend:

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Aaron pov:

"Hey..I know we haven't been getting along since I got out of the hospital." I speak through the bathroom door to Edythe as she showers, the door cracked slightly. "But I think we should talk. I should talk..if you're willing to listen. She's been kind of giving me the cold shoulder and silent treatment since our argument yesterday. She shuts the shower off, and comes out of the bathroom. Her skin quickly being covered in goosebumps as she steps into the air conditioned room. "Edythe.." I trial trying to grab her attention, her body language is hard to read. A flash of memory comes through. I suppose she's always been stone when she wants to be, making it hard for her to be profiled unless she personally lets down her walls. Something she learned from her father. "Look, I'm sorry okay?" I place my hand on her wet shoulder and turn her to face me. "I can be a bit arrogant at times-"

"At times?" She crosses her arm, shaking my hand off of her in the process. "Alright..a lot of the time. I'm sorry. Genuinely." She tilts her head to the side as her hair follows the tilt, she takes in a breathe as she fights the small smirk forming on her lips. She quickly settles from turning away from me. "What do you want to talk about?" She pulls out clothes to wear for the day and throws it on the bed. "I wanted to talk about last night. I'm not sure if I really had a specific reason why I never spoke to you about my family but I've never talk..talked to Haley about them either. It's apart of my life I choose to ignore." I shove my hands into my sweats. "I guess we're similar in that way." She sits on the bed holding up her white towel with her hand. "You don't have to talk about it, I'm pretty closed off. I get it, we all got our dirty Landry or skeletons hanging in out clothes that we rather keep stuffed away in a box sealed away." She admits, I have a lot of things to explain to her, that's extremely hard for me. It's a lot harder to discuss than I imaged it to be. I guess, since I never talk about it, I never realized how much it still bothers me.

"My father was physically abusive to my brother, mother and I our whole lives." I sit next to her, and she turns her head and body to face me. She listens attentively to the story I swore to keep to myself. "And my mother she finally got enough money saved up from the diner she worked at to get away from dad, and the stupid town we lived in. She forgot her boys though." I let out a dry, humorless, chuckle. Edythe's eyes fill with sympathy but she says nothing. I take this as a sign to continue with the story, "So, Sean and I were left with our father, and as I said he wasn't really the best. Then finally, I used college as an excuse to get away from him. I didn't know it at the time but it was a disservice to Sean. That's why we aren't close..I think apart of him resents me for leaving him the way mom left us." I remember her leaving clearly, Sean was gullible then but I had a feeling she wasn't coming back. She'd pop in every now and then, if she needed something but, she didn't really care for us once she got a new husband, a new flash rich life and new kids." I look at Jack fast asleep in the center of this bed I'm suppose to be sharing with the person I once called the love of my life, but life is messy. "I'm sorry, I know I'm a lot right now. This is a lot and new change for me as well." Will I be able to learn to love her again if I can't get my memory back? What's to come of everything we built together if I can't bring myself to?

She falls silent and she seems to be in deep thought. "Thank you for trusting, and sharing that with me." She stands up to get dressed. "I'm going out with a friend for a little bit, but I should be back within a few hours." She explains, I can't tell if she is still mad at me and is trying to rush out or if she really is running late to meet with a friend. "And uh.. I'm sorry too.." She looks over her shoulder. "I know I can be a lot to handle as well." She turns her back to me, leaving the door wide open as she walks the hall, down the stairs and out the door. I take in a deep breath and lay back down in bed. I wish I could just remember everything again. Everything would be so much easier. I look up at the white ceiling for a minute, finally feeling myself still drained and my eyes are heavy. I drift off to sleep.

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