Let You Go:

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~Hotch's Pov~

I get out of bed after a while of laying there with Edythe. I wish I could stay with her longer but I have to go to work. I have to mask what is real, what I feel for a few hours. I have to be strong for Edythe, she has no one else to lean on. I sigh rubbing my face. I look down at Edythe sleeping wrapped in her grey sheets. She's beautiful, even with her red puffy face from crying, even with dry tear streaks on her cheeks. I lean down and kiss her forehead before leaving the room shutting the door silently behind me. I order an uber back to my house. I go inside. "Haley?" I call out. "I'm sorry I never made it back home last night." I hang my jacket up. "I had a lot of work to get done and I figured I'd do it in my office. I figured you would want space after fighting..." I pull my tie off. "Haley?" I call sitting my keys on the table. I notice a note on the table. I pick it up and read:

" I can't do this anymore, I'm so sorry. You clearly don't want to fix us and your priority is always work. I love you but I have to let you go. I'll bring the divorce papers some time tomorrow while you're at work, all you have to do is sign them and send them back. Then, we'll finally be out of each other's hair.

- Haley"

I sit the paper back down and shake my head. I kick my shoes off and then throw the paper away. I walk over to the bathroom getting undressed. I turn the shower on and step into the tub. I let the cool water wash over me as I ponder over the events of yesterday and today. I can't believe I almost had a child with her. Everything happened so quickly. I would've never guessed that she was pregnant. I'm not sure what I thought or what I was expecting but I didn't think the pain was because of a miscarriage...I wish I was there for her when she got the news. I wish I found out the same time she did. I have to come up with some kind of lie to give to the team if they ask. Did I cause this? I caused her too much stress bringing her into my life with all of these lies.

I never once thought that Haley would be leaving me. I thought I'd be the one walking away from us, I guess I was wrong. In a way I suppose I walked away from her long before I even cheated on her. I know it sounds bad and no one will believe me but I do love her. I care about her I truly do, it's just that we live in two different worlds now. She used to be so understanding of my work and now she expects me to drop everything. She knows who she married, she knows what she was getting into. Why support me to achieve my goals then throw it in my face later?  

I get out of the shower, order another uber considering my car is still at the BAU then get dressed. I look at the time. I don't have time to eat breakfast. I tie my tie and fix my hair quickly in the mirror. I grab an orange while heading outside to the uber. I get inside sitting behind the passenger seat. I get dropped off at work and I go inside straight to my office.I start peeling my orange and eat as I work on a few files.

 Reid is the first to knock on my door. "How's Edythe?" He asks apprehensively. "She's alright." I state. "She didn't call me last night she said she would." He adds. "Maybe it slipped her mind." He frowns. "Things don't just slip her mind." He replies. "She was in a lot of pain she went to sleep once she got in the car and went straight to bed when she got home." I explain not looking up from my work."Did she happen to tell you what was wrong?" I shake my head no. "Sorry." I say dismissively. He nods. "It's okay." He says before heading back out to his desk. He sits down and JJ and Elle are both talking to him. I know they're asking how Edythe is doing and I wish I could tell them but the choice is hers.

JJ comes in shortly letting me know we have a local case.

~Edythe Pov~

I wake up to an empty bed. Apart of me still wishes he was laying there next to me, but another part of me knows I shouldn't. He has a wife. I remind myself. He's your boss, it's inappropriate. I try to find everything possible to make myself believe I should turn away from him. He lied to you. He cheated on his wife, he could cheat on you too. I groan as I sit up in bed. I place my hand over my stomach. No pain as of right now. I take the prescription anyway, better safe than sorry later. I decide to take an extra long shower, I wash my hair, body and face before stepping out and brushing my teeth. I need to find something to do other than sit here and wallow in sadness. There's nothing I can do about the past, what's done is done I just have to keep looking forward.

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