Chapter 31. Shocking Gift

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Chapter 31: Shocking Gift

The next morning when Renesmee woke up she asked "How are the babies?" I smiled and replied "They are great, you want to hold them?" "Yes" she said as she sat up in the bed. Jacob was awake also and said he wanted to hold one. "Which one do you want?" I asked "I will hold the girl right now" Renesmee said. So I handed her the girl and Jacob the boy. I had made them each a bottle and I gave Renesmee one and Jacob one. "So" I said "Have you thought of names yet?" Renesmee looked at Jacob and said "Actually yeah, I have picked out a name for them" "Really?" Jacob asked "Yes" Renesmee replied "I hope you don't mind" "Of course not" Jacob said as he gave her a kiss. Edward walked into the room and said "Morning" Renesmee smiled and replied "Morning dad" It was quiet for a bit then I said "So what are the names?" Renesmee smiled and said "This is Rosemary Alice Black and That is Anthony Jacob Black" Jacob and Edward smiled at Renesmee. "Those are great" Jacob said. "Thanks" Renesmee replied. Then we sat around talking.

After a while the others came up and Rosalie asked "So did you pick a name yet?" We all smiled and Renesmee replied "Yes, Rosemary Alice and Anthony Jacob" Everyone smiled at the names. "Those are adorable" Rosalie said, "Yes I love them" Alice replied. "So do we" Carlisle and Esme said. Everyone just loved the babies. They were actually getting big, they were only 1 day old but were bigger then most babies their age.

"Carlisle" Edward said "Do you think they are going to grow fast?" We all looked at Carlisle. "It is possible" Carlisle replied "But from what I can tell they are more human the anything so they may grow faster, but it won't be no where near like Renesmee did"

Well they next few days Carlisle kept a close eye on the twins and Renesmee, The twins were growing but slower then Renesmee. They were a week old today and appeared to be about a month. So it was alot slower then how Renesmee grew, Carlisle said that he believes they will only grow fast up until they are 6 months and they will look about the age of 1. Then they will grow normally.

We all took turns hold the twins, they were so precious. Well while we were all holding the twins and talking I leaned down and kissed Rosemary. When I did her little hand touched my cheek. When it did I had a rush of images flood my head, it wasn't like Renesmee when she touched you and you seen what she was thinking. This was different, when Rosemary touched me I seen images of everything that happened in my life, from me as a child to me coming to forks, and even where I almost died from James, all the way up to when I died and was changed after giving birth to Renesmee. I was shocked, I didn't know what to say. If I could cry I would have, it sent such a chill through my body, I was silent.

Everyone else was laughing and talking but I was silent, Edward came to my side and said "Bella, are you alright?" Still I said nothing, then he shook me easily and said "Bella, what is wrong?" By this time everyone was around me asking what was wrong. I blinked then looked at Edward. I couldn't say anything so I just took Rosemary's hand and placed it on Edwards face. He then got the same look as I did, but he was able to say "Rosemary has a gift" Everyone looked at Rosemary then at Edward "What kind of gift?" Renesmee asked. Edward looked at her and replied "Sort of like you Renesmee, she puts images in your head when she touches you" "Really?" Carlisle asked "Yes" Edward replied as he took Rosemary out of my hands. By that time I could talk again and I said "But it is different. She showed me images from the time I was little all the way up to when I was changed" Everyone stood there in shock, "So, you mean she shows you your whole life, up to your death?" Carlisle asked. "Yes" I said as I looked at Renesmee. "She is special like you" Renesmee smiled and gave me a hug.

Well everyone wanted to see Rosemary's gift so they passed her around and she touched them and showed everyone there lives. Mom, Phil, Sarah and Charlie we amazed, they only got up to now so it was different to them then it was to us. Since they hadn't died or anything.

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