Chapter 32: Two-Faced

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Chapter 32: Two-Faced

I couldn't believe Kami was standing beside Aro, what was going on? We all looked at each other then back at Kami. "What are you doing here?" Renesmee asked. Kami walked towards us then replied "Why shouldn't I be here?" We just all looked at her confused. "How did you get mixed up with Aro?" Carlisle asked. Kami, Aro and the others just laughed. "I didn't get mixed up with them" Kami said "I am Aro's daughter". We we all struck with shock. How could this be? I wondered, was Kami one of us? It was all confusing. "What do you mean, you are his daughter?" Edward asked "How could that be?"

Kami looked at Aro and he nodded so she began telling her story "Well I am just like Renesemee, my father is a vampire and my mother was a human. But unlike Renesmee my mother didn't survive. Back then no one thought to change the human mother after she gave birth, so she died and I was raised by my dad." We all just stood there looking at her, you could see the anger in her eyes and hear it in her voice. Then she continued "A few years ago my dad had told me about all of you and especially about Renesmee. He said she was like me but her mother survived, I was so mad at this that I begged him to let me go see for myself. So I came here and blended into the background, I was just another kid in school, no one noticed I was different. And then I seen Renesmee, and all of you" Renesmee handed Rosemary to Rosalie and stepped towards Kami. "How did you find out about all of us?" Renesmee asked. Kami laughed then said "I spied on you" "What?" Renesmee said with anger in her voice "How could you?" "It was easy" Kami replied "I learned all about you and your family and then I would report back to my dad". We all just looked at her, most of us just wanted to kill her right there for what she did.

"Why did you do that?" Renesmee asked looking straight at Kami. "Because" Kami replied "It wasn't fair that you got to have your mom and I didn't. I wanted to bring you down anyway I could. So the night of your slumber party when you said I couldn't hurt you cause you were half vampire I went and told dad. He wanted me to come back home and I convinced him to let me stay and get more information about you." "So what about Mr. and Mrs. Marks?" Edward asked "They were a ploy, dad threatened to kill them if they didn't go along with us. Same thing with Sarah's mom" We all looked at her and Aro in disgust. "So you mean you lied to Sarah about being her sister, as did her dad?" "Yes" Kami replied, "He told her I was her sister so I could get closer to her since you were such good friends, and then he got her mom to fight with her so she would move in with you and then I could use that to come see her and learn more about you" I could see the anger in Renesemees face as could everyone. Jacob gave Anthony to Esme and he held Renesmee tight so she didn't attack Kami.

"I can't believe you did this!" Renesmee shouted at her. Aro and the other members of the Volturi just stood there smiling. "You betrayed not only me but Sarah as well, you made her believe she was your sister and she felt so bad when she thought she broke your family up" Renesmee told Kami this and you could hear the anger in her voice. "I could just kill you right now for all you have done" About that time Aro stepped forward and said "Speaking of which, where is Sarah and the other humans who know about you?" We all looked at Aro but no one said anything.

Aro looked at Jane and nodded, then she stared at us. It didn't make a difference cause with my shield she couldn't hurt any of us. Aro then laughed "I see you have gotten a control over your ability" "Yes" I said with a snarl. "Would you please leave" Carlisle asked "There is nothing here that should be your concern" Aro looked at Carlisle and said "I didn't come here just because of the stuff Kami told me. Oh no I wanted to see if if either one of Renesemees kids possessed a gift" "Stay away from my babies" Renesmee said in a angry tone. We all looked at each other. "Oh" Aro said "Did she not tell you?" "Tell us what?" I asked. Aro looked at Renesmee and said "I am hurt, that you didn't tell them about the lovely gift I sent" We all looked at Renesmee then Edward said "What gift?" Renesmee pulled a small box out of her pocket and opened it. Inside was a beautiful bracelet along with a note that said "Dear Renesmee, I have heard the good news. I shall pay you a visit to see if your children are of unique standing. My Best, Aro"

We all looked at Renesmee "When did you get this?" I asked "About a 2 months ago" Renesmee replied "Why didn't you tell us?" Edward asked. "I was afraid to" Renesemees replied. I stood there looking at her then I realized, she had tried to tell me before. "Renesmee" I said "Is this why you were crying and worrying when we went camping?" Renesmee looked at me and said "Yes" I wrapped my arms around her and said "Oh honey, I should have realized this sooner, you tried to tell me and I didn't listen" "it's not your fault mom" Renesmee said "I should have just showed you the note" I held her close to me as everyone stared at us.

"Oh give me a break" Kami said in a sour tone. "This is so stupid dad, lets just take care of them" We all looked at Aro. "Now, Kami" Aro said "We didn't come here to fight" Kami looked at him then back at us and said "I did" then she lunged towards Renesmee. Edward caught her first, then Jacob. Rosalie and Esme too the twins into the other room. "STOP" Aro shouted. Edward and Jacob both had ahold of Kami.

"Please" Aro said "Please don't hurt her" We all looked at Aro in shock. "Kami come, we are going home" Kami looked at Aro and said. "Not until I get my justice on Renesmee" Aro stepped towards Kami and said "Kami, it is useless there is 5 of us and 8 of them, not to mention the 6 wolves we seen on our way up here. I am sure they are on their side as well" Carlisle replied to Aro "Yes, they are"

Aro then grabbed Kami's arm and said "Please let her go and we will be on our way" Edward and Jacob looked at Carlisle "Let her go" Carlisle said. So Edward and Jacob released Kami. "I will be back" Kami said. "No you won't" Aro said. "Carlisle I am sorry for such a uncivil confrontation. We shall be on our way, there is nothing for us to do here" Carlisle nodded and said "Good Bye Aro" The Aro, Kami, and the others all left.

Sam and the wolf pack came in after they left. "How did it go?" Sam asked. "It was interesting" Jacob said with a laugh. Jacob gave Renesmee a kiss then went and explained to the wolves what happened. Mom, Phil, Charlie, Sue, Sarah and Masen all came back as well. And Carlisle was explaining to the about it and Renesmee said "Can I talk to Sarah alone?" We all looked at her then Carlisle said "Yes" So Sarah and Renesmee went into the other room. "Mom" Renesmee said "Yes" I replied "Would you come in here with me" "Sure honey" I said as I got up, I gave Edward a kiss and followed Sarah and Renesmee into the kitchen.

I knew what Renesmee was doing, she wanted to tell Sarah about Kami herself, I figure Sarah is going to react bad about it. So we went into the kitchen and sat down. "What's wrong?" Sarah asked. Renesmee looked at me and I said "Sarah, Renesmee needs to show you something" "What is it?" Sarah asked. Renesmee reached over and touched Sarah's cheek, I could tell from the look on her face that Renesmee was showing her the images from the conversation with Kami.

After a few minutes Renesmee took her hand off of Sarah's cheek. Sarah sat there quiet. "Sarah?" I said "Are you alright?" Sarah looked at me and started crying. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. It was alittle hard since we hadn't been hunting for awhile but I bared through it. "It's alright Sarah" I said "Let it out" After about 20 minutes she looked up at me and said "I'm sorry" I looked at her and said "Sorry for what, none of this is your fault" "Yes it is" she said "Kami used me to get to you" "Sarah, what Kami did is not anyones fault, she used us all" Renesmee gave Sarah a big hug and told her the same thing. Then we went back into the living room. No one said anything about Kami the rest of the night.


Everyone stayed at the house tonight, Edward, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and I all went hunting. We hadn't been for a good while, cause we had been standing watch and stuff, so we all decided to go tonight. While we were hunting I asked Edward "Did you hear what Sarah was thinking?" Edward looked at me and replied "Yes" He had that stone look on his face, so I knew she was really upset. "What was she thinking?" I asked. "she was thinking 'How could Kami do this, how could someone be so mean' " "Oh" I said as I was looking for something to hunt. "Yeah, she is really upset that her mom and dad were threatned into doing what they did" he said. "I bet" I replied "It's awful that they did that to her, but her parents only did it to protect her and themselves from Aro" "I know" Edward said "Sarah is wondering if her mom really wanted her back home instead of pushing her away" I looked at Edward and said "Maybe we should get her and her mom back together, if she was made to fight with her so she would move in with us then maybe her mom really wanted her home" Edward smiled at me and said "I think you are right" then he gave me a kiss and we went hunting.

When we got back to the house all the humans were asleep. Edward and I told Carlisle and Esme what we were thinking about Sarah. "I think that is a good idea" Carlisle said "Yes" Esme added "I think she would be happy if she got to be with her mom again" So we formed a plan to get Sarah and her mom back together.

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