Chapter 7: Shocking Confession

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Chapter 7: Shocking Confession


When we walked into the kitchen Jacob was holding Renesemee, and Carlisle was asking her different questions. She was trying to answer them but she kept freaking out and saying "I'm sorry" I walked up to her and gave her a big hug and said "Please honey, we need to know what happened, so we know how to deal with it" "That's right" Edward said "So start from the beginning" Renesemee looked up at me the she looked at Edward "Can I show you mom and let dad read my thoughts?" I looked at Edward and he looked at Esme and Carlisle, they both nodded and I looked back at Renesemee "If that would be easier for you" "Yeah, it would be" Renesemee replied "Alright then" Edward said "Show your mom what happened and I will see it as well" So Renesemee touched my face with her hand and all the images from the party filled my head.

Everything was going good, they were listening to music, watching movies and having a good time. Then someone called Amy's cell phone. I heard Amy's side saying "I guess she didn't invite you cause your not very nice to her" then she says "alright, here" then the phone got passed to Renesemee and I can hear both sides of the conversation. The girl on the phone is named Kami and she is yelling at Renesemee for not inviting her. While we are listening to the conversation through Renesemees view Edward grabbed my hand and squeezed it. We stood there holding hands as we listened to this crazy human teenage girl yelling at our daughter. Then as Kami and Renesemee are arguing, Renesemee got really mad and blurted out "You can't hurt me, I am half vampire" then she threw the phone across the room. Renesemee took her hand off my face and stared at me with tears in her eyes. I wiped the tears away and said "Honey, they could just think you are kidding. It's not like you showed them anything" Renesemee looked at the floor. "You didn't show them anything did you?" Edward asked as he let go of my hand and placed it on Renesemees shoulder.

Renesemee looked up at me and I could see it in her eyes. "You didn't?" I asked. Renesemee nodded the touched my face again. We see 3 girls in shock staring at Renesemee all mad and a smashed cell phone on the other side of the room. "What was that?" Ally asked "She threatened to hurt me for not inviting her" Renesemee replied. "So you lie and say you are some kind of monster hoping to scare her?" Sarah asked. Renesemee was so made about what Kami had said that instead of just saying "Yeah" she touched the girls and all the images of her birth flooded there minds. After all the images fill there mind they look terrified and then Renesemee realizes what she just did and tries to explain. But the girls are so scared they run out of the house. And that was the point where she called me and we rushed to her.

Renesemee took her hand from my face once again and said " I ruined everything" "Oh, Honey" I said as I held her close "It's not your fault honey" "Yes it is" she replied "I should have lied and told them that I just told Kami that to scare her, but I was so mad that I didn't think" Edward came over and gave us both a hug then said "It's alright Renesemee, we will figure something out". Then he went and explained to the rest of the family what had happened.

I took Renesemee into the living room, we sat down on the couch, Jacob was right beside her. There was a knock at the door so I went to answer it. When I opened the door I seen mom, Phil, Charlie and Sue standing there. "Hi" I said as they came in the house. "Is Renesemee alright?" mom ask "As alright as she can be I guess" I replied as we all went and sat down. "What happened?" Charlie asked. So we explained to them what Renesemee had did. "So what does that mean? Charlie asked "It means we will have to leave" Carlisle said Renesemee looked at me then started crying "Oh, honey it will be alright" I said trying to console her. "But mom" she replied "Grandma just moved her to be closer to us and now I messed it all up" my mom came over and gave Renesemee a big hug and said "Don't you dare blame yourself, it's not your fault that you reacted like any normal person would have" Renesemee looked at her and replied "Yeah, but I'm not normal, and that is how I ruined it, I am a freak" "NO, YOUR NOT" Rosalie said from the back door. "Don't you ever let anyone make you feel like your a freak, you are a unique, amazing, young girl. And just because you are half vampire doesn't mean you don't have the same emotions as humans" I looked at Rosalie then said "She's right honey, we all have human emotions, some we can't always show like crying, but we all get mad, sad and happy".

Renesemee looked at me and said "please don't hate me mom" my heart just sank. "I could never hate you no matter what you did" I replied as I held her close to me. "I love you very much, and I just want you to be happy" "I know mom, and I am" she replied "That's all that matters" Esme said as she gave Renesemee a hug as well. "So, what are you going to do?" Sue and Phil both asked at the same time. I looked at them both and said "We will do whatever we have to, in order to protect our daughter" Charlie and Mom both smiled at me. I knew that the smile meant they knew I knew how they felt when I was so upset when Edward left. And they were trying to protect me as well. As we were talking about what we were going to do there was a knock at the door. Esme went to answer it, then she said "Renesemee, it's for you" Renesemee got up and went to the door Jacob, Edward and I all followed her. When we got there we seen Ally, Amy and Sarah standing in the doorway. "Can we talk to you Renesemee?" Ally asked. We all looked at each other in shock, after what Renesemee showed them I can't believe they would come here. Renesemee looked at me then said "Yeah, sure" and so we all went into the living room and sat down.

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