Chapter 49: Resentment

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Chapter 49: Resentment


We discussed what was going to happen when the Volturi came here. "We won't let Aro take anyone." Carlisle said.

"Hell No!" Emmett said in a booming voice. "We will take them all down."

"Now, now." Carlisle said "We aren't going to overreact. If it comes to it we will protect our family but we won't pick a fight." Emmett seemed alittle dissapointed but he knew Carlisle was alway right. We would most likely end up fighting anyway so he didn;t say much more.

As we sat around talking Renesmee and Esme took the twins and Masen upstairs and put them to bed. "What about them?" I asked looking at them going upstairs.

"We will send them to the reserve." Jacob said before anyone else could speak.

"Of course." Carlisle said with approval. We all knew it was the only plcae they was truly safe. The wolves would protect them against anything that threatned them.

"So," Rosalie said "How long do we have?" We all looked at Alice who was searching the future.

After a few minutes Alice looked up. "They will be here in 2 days." We all looked alittle surprised, that was a short time to prepare.

"Wow," I said "That isn't very long to prepare is it?"

"We will be ready." Edward assured me as he put his arms around me.

Once we had the plans down for how to handle Aro, we all went hunting, we wanted to make sure we had the strength so if we had to fight. The next day we spent time preparing for a fight, we taught Jane and Samuel how to fight so they could be an asset to us.

As the day came we sent Renesmee, Esme, Masen and the twins to stay with Emily. Leah, Colin, Brady, Quil and Embry were protecting them. Sam, Seth and Jacob were coming with us to help against the Volturi. Alice was watching for them, we knew they was coming into the same clearing they came to when they wanted to destroy Renesmee. We all stood around waiting, it was very foggy and dark, Jane seemed to be nervous, it would be the first time she has been against Aro and the other Volturi members and without her power. I can see how she could be scared. I made sure I had my shield around everyone including Jane and Samuel.

We stood there for what seem like forever just waiting, I felt like a sitting duck. It was only about an hour but it felt longer. As the fog started lifting we seen a line of black cloaks coming out of the tree line. In the front was Aro, Caius and Marcus, right behind them was Felix, Demetri and Alec. It was just the six of them which was alittle surprising. I would have thought they would have brought more so if we had to fight. Technically they were out numbered, they knew that the powers didn't work when I was here so I wasn;t sure what they were thinking.

"Hello," Aro said as he walked closer to us. He automatically turned to see Jane. "I see you have joined the Cullens."

"Yes," Jane replied her voice alittle shaky. "They accept me for what I am, unlike you." You could sense that she was afraid to say this but that she meant it.

"Sassy, aren't you." Caius said stepping forward. "And after what we done for you."

We all just looked at Jane as she stood there, you could see her getting mad. "After all you..." she said "All you done was make me think that killing people was the only way of life and that I was only useful when you could use me for your dirty work." Jane was truly mad, she culdn't believe that they said this. I stepped closer to her.

"They aren't worth it." I said trying to calm her down.

They all laughed, all but Alec. He seemed concerned and worried about Jane. "Alec," Carlise said stepping forward. "We can show you another way of life." Alec looked at Carlisle then at Aro. You could tell her was scared, scared to defy Aro.

"Do tell," Aro said "What, you want to teach him how to be a mellow vampire, how not to kill people?"

"Yes," Carlisle said "That is exactly what I want to teach him, I want him to know he has a choice."

Aro laughed, I could tell he didn't like this idea, "We came here looking for Jane's replacement." Aro said "Not for you to take another one of us."

"We didn't take Jane." Edward hissed. "You deserted her when she became unhelpful to you."

It was silent after that, no one said anything. We all just looked at each other wondering what was going to happen. As Aro stepped closer I made sure I had the shield up. About that time Felix started freaking out, he screamed and Aro turned to look at him, he was holding his head.

"What is wrong?" Aro asked confused.

"I don't know!" Felix shouted. "It is like someone is attacking me."

Everyone instantly looked at Jane, who looked more confised then the rest of us. "I didn't do that." she said.

"Then who?" Aro demanded.

"Me." I said stepping forward.

"You? But how?" Cauis asked.

"I have discovered that if I shield people I can make their power reflect and hurt themselves. That is what happened to Jane." I said. "I didn't mean to do it to her but I do mean to do it to you. And unless you all want to hurt yourselves then I suggest you leave now!"

Aro and the others looked confused, Demetri walked towards me and I shielded him, he started running in circles then hit the ground. "It is like I am tracking myself!" he shouted. "Make it stop!"

Aro, Caius and Marcus looked at each other then they started backing away. "Now, Now." Aro said "No need to get hasty."

I walked towards them. "You will leave us alone." I said in a firm tone.

"Yes, of course." Aro said. "Let's go." He motioned the others and they all left.

"You saved us again." Edward said wrapping his arms around me then he kissed me.

"Thank you so much." Jane said hugging me.

After it was all over we headed back home, "You are so great." Alice said hugging me.

We sat around talking about what had happened, As we talked there was a knock. When I answered the door it was Alec, Jane ran over and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I came to tell you that I love you sis. And that I won't ever let Aro come back for you or anyone who has helped you." Then he smiled, hugged Jane again and left.

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