Chapter 11: Consequences of the Truth

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Chapter 11: Consequences of the truth

Well Edward and I headed back home as soon fast as we could. When we got there everyone already knew what was going on. "We have to find her" Rosalie demanded "I know" replied Edward "We will" Carlisle said. "I wonder what happened?" Esme asked. "I'm not sure" I replied "But we will find out" We all looked at Alice. She looked so frustrated. "I can't see anything" Alice said stomping her feet. She hated that she couldn't see Renesemees future herself, she had to view it from other peoples point of view. We all knew that it wasn't Alices fault she couldn't see Renesemee. But it made her so mad that she couldn't.

It seemed like we were waiting forever when it had one been a few minutes. "We will figure something out" Edward said. "Jacob is still looking for her as we speak" I replied. "We need to think like Renesemee" Jasper said. We all looked at Jasper then Carlisle said "We need to check with Renee and with Charlie, maybe she went there" Alice jumped up and said "I will go check Charlies" then she ran out of the house. "I will check with Renee" Jasper said then he left "We will check the school, maybe her friends know something" Rosalie said and her and Emmett left. "Esme you stay here in case she comes back" Carlisle said. " "Edward, Bella and I will go through the forest and look" So we headed out into the forest looking for Renesemee.

As we were looking Carlisle said "Edward, try to see if you can find Renesemees thoughts" so Edward was looking and listening for Renesemee. We searched and searched and still no sign of her. We were all getting really worried, what could have happened to her. I was so worried and if I could cry that would have been a good time to do it. My amazing daughter was missing and we didn't know why. I was sure it had something to do with what had went on during the weekend, but wasn't sure what had happened at school to make her just take off.

We searched and search trying to find Renesemee, Edward could hear the thoughts of some of the others and we knew she wasn't at Charlies or my moms house. Rosalie and Emmett were still searching the school. Jasper and Alice joined us in looking through the woods, and Jacob and the wolves were looking around their area. "What if we can't find her?" I asked "We will" Edward said as he put his hands on my shoulders "We will find her Bella" I just stared at him. I couldn't imagine life or should I say immortality without her. I know she is half human but she is also half vampire which made her half immortal. I just wanted to sit down and cry, I couldn't think of anything but finding her "We need to think like her" Carlisle said "How do we do that?" Jasper asked. I stood there for a few seconds then said "I know where she is" Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Then Carlisle asked "What do you mean you know where she is?" I looked at him and smiled the replied "I know where she would go" Edward looked at me and said "Where Bella?" I smiled and said "Follow me" Then I took off through the forest.

Edward was right beside me and I could hear the others right behind me. We got to where we was going fairly quick. "What are we doing here?" Alice asked. I looked at the little cottage that Esme had given me for my birthday, then I looked at Alice and said "Renesemee is in there" They all just looked at me then Jasper said "Are you sure? How do you know?" I smiled at him and replied "Because, I know my daughter and I know how she thinks. This is where I would go if I was 17 and ran away" Edward looked at me then said "I can hear her thoughts" Everyone headed to the door and I said "Stop" They all turned and looked at me then Edward said "What?" I just smiled at him and said "Please don't listen to her thoughts, and please let me go in alone first" Edward looked at Carlisle then back at me and said "Alright" then he gave me a kiss and I headed inside the cottage.

It was dark inside the cottage. It was still the same way we left it three years ago after Renesemee was born. I hated to leave this little cottage but after the Volturi had came here wanted to hurt Renesemee and everything we tried to stay here but she grew from a small child to almost an adult so fast it was hard to keep dragging her back and forth so Carlisle could measure her and everything.

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