Chapter 2: A New Year

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Chapter 2: A New Year

My mom and Phil stayed with us until New years day. It was hard on all of us having the there so much but it was worth it to me to have them still in my life. And the rest of my new family knew how much it meant to me that they suffered through it as well. They have had more years of practice then I did so they didn't mind. Charlie and Sue came around alot as well, Billy and the wolves did too as well mostly cause of Jacob being there all the time with Renesemee.

Well it was a brand new year and even though we basically love forever it was special. Renesemee and Jacob were engaged, even though I didn't like that she was only 7 even though physically and mentally she was an adult almost, it was still hard, but I was just happy that her and Jacob were happy.

Renesemee came and sat beside Edward and I and asked " Mom, Dad, may Jacob and I go out for awhile?" Edward and I looked at each other then Edward said " Yes, if you promise to be back before dark" "We will" Renesemee said as she gave Edward and I a hug and kiss. The her and Jacob left. "I can't believe she grew up so fast" I said as I sat there beside Edward. "I know" he replied as he held me close to his chest. "But just be thankful we have her" I sat there a few minutes as I remember when I first found out about being pregnant. Edward and Carlisle wanted to get rid of her so she couldn't hurt me. I cringe every time I think about that day. But I am so thankful that Rosalie and I were able to change there minds.

As we sat there my mom came to talk to us. " Bella, Edward" she said as she sat on the chair across from us. " Yes, Mom?" I said looking at her. " I am so glad that you have let use be apart of your, strange, yet wonderful life" "Thank you for being so understanding and not freaking out on us" Edward said to her with a smile. "Yeah" I replied "I am so glad you accepted us" my mom gave Edward and I a big hug the said " No matter what you are Bella, I will always love you" she then smiled and went back to the kitchen with Phil. I sat there looking at Edward with a huge smile on my face. " I am so happy I didn't have to say good bye, thank you for letting me tell them the truth" I said " I would do anything to make you happy" Edward replied then he gave me a big kiss and we sat there looking out the window.

We sat there most of the day, as the sun was starting to set we heard the door open. I turned to see Renesemee and Jacob walking in smiling, and giggling as usual. "Hi you two" I said as I went and gave Renesemee a big hug and kiss "Did you have a fun day?" " Yes, mom" Renesemee replied as she hugged me back then went and hugged Edward. "What did you do today?" Edward asked as Renesemee sat beside him. " Oh not to much" she told him "We did some shopping and just walked around" " Yeah" Jacob said as he sat beside Renesemee " We just hung out some, I took her out to dinner" "That sounds fun" I said as I sat beside Edward.

Well we sat around talking, we were the only ones there the rest were out hunting and mom and Phil went out with Charlie and Sue. So we watched the sun set through the big window.

After the sun set Renesemee went to bed, Jacob stayed and talked to Edward and I. " So are you guys alright with Renesemee and I getting married?" he asked " I looked at him the replied " Well I know she is an adult it mind and body but to me she is a baby" Jacob looked sad then I continued " But I know she is happy with you and you with her so, yeah I am alright with it" Jacobs face lit up and he gave me a hug. His smell still made my nose wrinkle, he just laughs when I do that. Jacob then put his hand out to Edward. Edward looked at me and I smiled then he shook Jacobs hand. "So?" I asked " when are you two planning on getting married?" " well we decided to wait until Renesemee graduated and turned 18" I smiled at this, it meant they weren't going to get married till September. " That is a great idea" I said with a big smile. Edward just laughed. "What?" I asked as I looked at him " Oh Bella, you don't have to sound so relieved that they aren't going to elope tomorrow or something" I looked at him for a second then I started to laugh. I realized what he meant. Then Jacob started laughing.

After we had a big laugh Jacob went up to his room and went to bed. It was just past 1am when everyone got back from hunting. Alice had seen the vision of when Renesemee was going to get married and of course she was already talking about how it was going to go. Edward and I both get a laugh out of how much Alice likes to plan everything. She basically sees how it goes so she knows what to do. Rosalie was even excited to help with the wedding, ever since I was pregnant with Renesemee she has taken quite an attachment to her. She is like the daughter she can never have, which made me happy that she didn't hate her like she did me at first. If it wasn't for Renesemee Rosalie would probley still hate me. Emmett and Jasper are alittle weary of having a werewolf in the family but they have accepted Jacob because they love Renesemee so much. Carlisle and Esme are excited to see her happy just as I am.

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