Chapter 10: Truth To All The Lies

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Chapter 10:Truth To All The Lies

The next morning was Sunday and it was when Renesemees friends were going home. I hoped they were still calm about the whole idea of them being friends with a half vampire girl. Jacob had came by throughout the night to let us know things were still going good with Renesemee and her friends. Mom called early this morning to let us know that things were good as well. We were all relieved that this had ended well, we really didn't want to have to move.

Edward and I sat around talking to everyone else about last night. "Do you really think they won't tell anyone?" Rosalie asked "Yes, I am sure of it" Alice replied "Are you for absolute certain?" Carlisle asked? "100 Percent positive" Alice replied "I thought about telling them and seen the vision, and they totally understand and would never tell" we all looked at Alice then Rosalie said "I hope your right" Alice gave her a look then just smiled "Of course I am" she replied. We all kind of laughed at Alice for being so persistent. After we talked we all went our ways Rosalie and Alice went shopping, Jasper and Emmett went hunting, Esme was cooking and Carlisle was working. Edward and I sat around watching some movie which really wasn't that interesting. "I can't believe we told them girls so much" I said "I know, it was the most we have ever told anyone, even you" Edward replied as he put his arm around me.

We sat there for awhile then I said "I can't believe the look on my parents faces when I told the girls that I had already decided to become a vampire" Edward just smiled then said "Yeah, I didn't expect you to actually tell anyone that" I looked at him alittle confused "Why not?" he just laughed "Because, I figured you would just let them believe you didn't have a choice, cause you didn't want to tell them goodbye" I sat there for a second then realized he was right I should have done that. Now my parents know I was planning on leaving them whether it was life or death. "Oh man, I should have done that" Edward gave me a kiss then said "It's alright, I'm sure they will understand if you explain it to them" "Yeah, I hope so" I said as I just stared at the TV.

At the time it seemed better to tell them I was already expecting this and that it wasn't Renesemees fault that I was what I am now. And I still think it was a better idea then making Renesemee think that it was her fault when it really wasn't. I wanted to have her, I fought to have her and I would never change what I did. I knew even though my parents may think I was going to leave them it was better then to let my daughter think it was her fault I had to become a vampire. After alittle bit I decided to go see my Charlie and see if I could explain it to him, I would explain it to my mom after Renesemees friends left. So I told Edward where I was going, he offered to go with me, so I agreed. I figured that way he might help he be able to convince Charlie and myself that I was right and wrong about the whole thing.

When we got to Charlies house I knocked on the door. He answered the door and said "Bells, Edward, come on it" we went inside and sat down. Him and Sue were just watching a ball game. I asked "Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?" he looked at me concerned then replied "Of course Bells, what's wrong?" "Well" I began "I just wanted to explain about some stuff that was said last night" "Oh" He said as he turned the TV off "Yeah" I replied "I wanted to clarify what I said about me already planning to become a vampire" him and Sue just looked at me then Sue said "Oh, I'm sure you had a good reason" I smiled at her then said "Yes, I felt like I did at the time" Edward put his arm around me as I started explaining to them what went on "Once I met Edward, before and even after I knew what he was I knew he was my soul mate, and there was a time when I almost became what he was after we had first met" Charlie looked at Edward like he could strangle him "Edward actually saved me" I said trying to ease Charlies frustration. "Another vampire, the one who killed Waylon, he bit me and tried to make me like him" Charlie and Sue just stared at us in disbelief "If it wasn't for Edward sucking the venom out of my arm I would have been this much sooner" As I was telling them this I could see the hurt in my Charlies eyes, I could feel how much this information pained him, feeling that he could have lost me sooner then what he had. Even though he was still apart of my life me being immortal kind of changes how things work.

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