Chapter 48: Change

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Chapter 48: Change


We were all happy to see Jane happy, she seemed to be carefree and loving now. It was alittle weird to see her this way, everytime I have seen Jane she has looked evil and mean. But now it is like she is a completly different person. Her and Alice have became good friends as well and her and Rosalie. Even I have became friends with her. We are slowly letting her around the twins, she finds them interesting but since they are mostly human we have to be careful. Renesmee is finally alittle comfortable around Jane so she decided to let the twins meet her. Although we keep Charlie, Sue, Billy, Phil and Mom away and even Sarah. Since they are all human we try not to tempt her to much with them. So when they are here Jane goes to the cottage or somewhere so she isn't around them.

It has been a couple months since the fight that took Janes ability, surprisingly she didn't hate me for what happened. She has seemed to adjust fairly well, she still had some problems with controling her thirst but she was learning. Edward and I went to spend some time together, it had been awhile since we have been alone so we went to the meadow. While we were laying there I leaned over to face Edward.

"I love you." I said with a smile.

"I love you too." he said leaning over to kiss me.

"Are you happy?" I asked just making conversation.

"The happiest I have ever been." he replied. "And as long as I am with you I will always be happy." I smiled at him and leaned to give him another kiss.

We laid there all evening, we watched the sun set and the starts come out, I loved days like this where everything was so perfect. As it got later we headed back home, Carlisle and Esme were sitting on the couch, Alice and Jasper went hunting with Rosalie and Emmett. Jane and Samuel were hunting as well. Jacob and Renesmee were alseep on the other couch with the twins laying beside them. It was such a perfect sight to see. I loved to watch the twins and Renesmee sleep. Sometimes I wished I could sleep again so I could dream, although my dreams were about Edward and now I didn't have to dream cause I could spent forever with him.

We sat around talking to Carlisle and Esme for the rest of the night. "So," I said "Do you think Jane and Samuel will adjust like we are?"

"I'm sure they will." Carlisle said with a smile. "It may just take some time."

"That's good." I said "I really hope she can be happy here."

"Me too." Esme said.

Esme has been trying to treat Jane like a daughter, she is young considerating. She has been a vampire a good while but she was young when she was changed. And she hasn't had much of a women upbringing, she was always around men like Aro, Demetri, Cauis and Alec. She has barly been around any women other then the wives and they weren't allowed to do anything. So Esme has been trying to be sweet and loving towards her. Which for Esme was easy cause she was very sweet and loving towards everyone.

As the sun was coming up Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie came back from hunting. "How did it go?" Esme asked smiling at them as they walked through the door.

"It went well." Alice said as she skipped across the floor.

"Did you see Jane and Samuel?" Carlisle asked.

"No," Rosalie replied. "We never came across them."

"Yeah," Jasper said "Then must have went the other way."

"Or farther out." Emmett chimed in.

"Oh," Carlisle said "Alright then." He seemed alittle concerned but I don't think there was anything to worry about. It was a big forest out there so they could be anywhere and you could not run across them. I'm sure they were fine.

After a few hours we heard someone coming up the steps. It was Jane and Samuel, they came into the house and looked freightned. "What's wrong?" Carlisle asked concerned.

"We seen him." Samuel said as Jane stood speechless.

"Seen who?" Esme asked.

"Alec." Samuel replied. We were all silent, we looked at each other. While we stood there I noticed Alice was staring blankly into space.

"Alice?" I said as I walked over to her. She snapped back to reality.

"They are coming." she said.

"Who's coming?" Carlisle asked.

But before she could answer Edward was beside me. "Aro," he said "He is coming to recruit someone to replace Jane."

We all stared at Edward and Alice. I was in shock, how could he think that one of us would want to take Jane's place, was he going to force us? Or threaten us?

"What do you mean?" I asked "How is he going to recruit us?"

"He is coming for Alice or I." Edward said. "Or even you." He pointed to me, I was scared I didn't want to be near Aro more less be recurited by him.

Jane was still silent, she just stared into space. "Why was Alec here?" I asked curiously.

"Because," Jane said finally snapping out of her trance. "He is looking for me."

"Why?" Rosalie asked.

"He wants to make sure that Aro won't find me, otherwise he will destroy me."

"But why would he destroy you?" I asked. I didn't understand what was going on.

"I know to much," Jane said "I know everything about the Volturi. I know all the things they have done wrong. If he thinks I will tell he will take me out to protect himself."

"We won't let that happen." Esme said trying to make Jane feel better.

"Of course we won't." Carlisle said. "You are one of us now. And we will pritect you as such."

Jane smiled at Carlisle. "Thank you," she said "It is nice to feel loved." Carlsie and Esme hugged Jane then we all sat around talking about what to do.

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