Chapter 6: Accidental Slip

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Chapter 6: Accidental Slip

Well Edward and I went to my moms and got stuff ready for our daughters first slumber party. It was almost time for Renesemees friends to get here so we stayed around for a bit. Renesemee came in about 7:30. "Are you ready for your first slumber party?" I asked "Oh, yes" Renesemee said "I am so excited, Thank you again for letting me have it" she gave me a big hug "Your welcome sweetheart" Edward said as she gave him a hug as well.

There was a knock at the door, my mom answered it and said "Renesemee, your friends are here." Renesemees face lit up and she ran to the door "Hey, guys" she said as she met them at the door "Hey Renesemee" one of them replied "Come this way and I will introduce you to my parents" Renesemee told them. "Alright" one of the others replied. Then they walked into the room where Edward and I were. "Mom, Dad" Renesemee said "This is Ally, Amy, and Sarah" "Hello" I said "I'm Bella and this is Edward, we are glad you could come" the three girls just kind of looked at us then Amy said "Thank you for inviting us" "Yes" Ally said "We have been asking for awhile to come over, but Renesemee always says another time" I looked at Renesemee then back at Ally "Yeah, we travel alot and Renesemee stays with a friend while we are gone" I said smiling at Renesemee. "Alright, well we better get going" Edward said "Yes" I replied "You girls have fun, and don't be to much trouble for Renesemees Grandma" "We won't" replied Sarah with a smile. I smiled back and then Edward and I left.

Edward and I heading back to the house "Do you think she will be alright?" I asked "Of course she will be" Edward replied putting his arm around me as we went home. "She is a smart girl, she will do just fine" "I hope so" I said "I hope she fits in" Edward smiled then said "I'm sure she will" I smiled back at him, but I was worried and I didn't know why. As we were heading back I seen Jacob not far from moms house, I smiled knowing Renesemee him watching after her. When we got back home Edward and I played chess. When I played with him it challenged him cause he couldn't read my mind. Edward has been trying not to use his gift much cause it makes people feel violated, he usually only uses it when he has to. Same with Renesemee, she doesn't show everyone how she communicates unless she don't want to say something like if it's a surprise or something. Alice is really the only one who can't ignore her gift, it just comes even when she isn't looking for it. Well everyone else was doing their own things like always. The night was as normal as it ever us.

Alice was kind of keeping an eye on Renesemee, she has to look at my mom though cause she can't see Renesemee and Jacob , so far everything was going good. Jasper could sense my tension but has learned not to try and force me to be happy, he just kind of makes everything mellow around me so it is a better environment. We sat around like always doing whatever, then it was morning again. I called my mom just to see how things were going she said they were going good that the girls watched movies most of the night and listened to music. I was so happy things were going good.

There was a knock at the door, I opened the door and there stood Sam. "Hi" I said as I invited him in. "Hey" he replied as he walked inside. "What do we owe this visit?" Edward asked "Jacob sent me" Sam replied "Said to tell you that Renesemee was doing great with her friends" I smiled then said "Thank you for telling us" " Your Welcome" Sam replied "I will let you all know if he tells me anymore information" then he walked back to the door "Have a good day" Esme said as Sam was walking out "You too" Sam replied as he left. I walked over to Edward and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Well our little girl is growing up" I said. Edward just laughed "Yeah, she is" he replied "She is so mature, just like her mother" then he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and gave him a kiss.

The days go by pretty fast even though we never sleep. Day turns to night and night turns to day. Since I was turned I have learned so much cause I always have time to do new things. I help Esme cook and clean, I play chess and watch movies, even Alice, Rosalie and I coordinate our wardrobes together sometimes. Well as the day turned to night I was alittle more relaxed about Renesemee cause I knew she was fine. We were all sitting around watching some movie, not sure what it was called but it was about some small village somewhere.

As we were watching the movie the phone rang, When I answered it I heard Renesemees panicing voice saying "I'm so sorry" So I automatically dropped the phone and ran out the door. In an instant Edward was beside me as we ran to my moms house. When we walked in my mom and Phil were trying to calm Renesemee down. "What happened?" I asked. "I don't know" my mom said. "Renesemee?" I asked "What is wrong?" But Renesemee was so upset she couldn't give me a straight answer all she could say was "Mom, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to do it" I was so scared I mean what did she do that has her so upset? Come on Renesemee lets go home then we can figure this out. So I hugged my mom and told her everything would be alright and then Edward and I took Renesemee home. Jacob must have heard all the commotion cause when we walked in the house he was about three steps behind us. He starts hugging her and asking "Renesemee, what happened? please tell me." but again all she could say was "I'm so sorry" Esme, Carlisle and Jacob took her into the kitchen to help calm her down. I looked at Edward and said "We gotta find out what happened" he looked at me and replied "I know, I will find out" I knew what he was going to do and I told him to do it. I didn't like him to read her mind but this was an emergency, we gotta find out what happened tonight.

So Edward stood outside the kitchen door and he was reading through her thoughts. The all of a sudden he said "OH NO" I ran to him and said "WHAT?, WHAT? PLEASE TELL ME." Edward looked at me and said "They know what we are" I stood there in shock, then I said "What do you mean? how do they know?" Edward stood there for a minute then said "Renesemee told them" I looked at him then said "WHAT? No she wouldn't do that". Then he put his hands on my shoulders and said "Her thoughts are very clear, she is thinking, I can't believe I told them I was half vampire" My mouth dropped "Oh No" I said "What do we do now?" I asked Edward looked at me then said "I'm not sure, but we will figure it out, we need to get the whole story out of Renesemee" I looked at him and replied "Yeah, we need to know exactly what happened and how much she told" So we headed into the kitchen to find out.

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