Chapter 44: Flee or Fight

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Chapter 44: Flee or Fight

We sat around the next couple days discussing what to do when Jane arrived. Emmett and Jasper wasnted to just destroy her, Carlisle and Edward wanted to talk to her. Even though Edward didn't like her he didn't want to kill her unless it was necessary. That was a trait he got from Carlisle, the trait of reason and understanding. It was one thing I loved so much about him. Esme was going to take Renesmee, Anthony, Rosemary and Masen away during all this, she promised to protect them, Sam agreed to let them come to his place so some of the wolves could help keep them safe. I was grateful that we had such a strong bond with them now, they could help us in many ways. Alice and Rosalie were alittle more aggresive it seemed, must be a famale thing, they hate Jane, Rosalie hated me until renesmee came along and now she is like a sister to me.

"It's settled then." Carlisle said "We will talk to her first."

"Awe, do we have to?" Emmett asked with a laugh.

"Yes, Emmett." Carlisle said "We don't just go around destroying people, and you know that." Emmett just laughed, he knew but he was always the type to want to fight first and ask questions later.

While we sat around talking Charlie and Sue came in along with Billy. "Hi Bells," Charlie said "Haven't seen you in awhile. Everything alright?"

"Yes," I replied totally lying to him. "We are all fine." I gave him a hug and smiled at him, I hated to lie but it was better for him not to know what was coming. It was easier to lie now that my emotions don't show like they use too. But I could tell they knew something was off, maybe one of the wolves slipped it to Billy, if so he wasn't saying anything.

After awhile Mom and Phil came, they had been out of town for Phil's baseball games, Sarah even came by. She spends most of her time with Seth, she comes to see Masen some as well. Amy and Ali don't come by much cause they went away to college this past spring. Today was like it use to be, Mom, Charlie, Sarah, Sue and Phil and evenn Billy were here. Mom, Billy, Sue and Charlie were fussing over the twins and Masen as well. They just loved coming over and playing with the babies, Phil even loves it, although he is alittle more nervouse around them then everyone else he still loves them. Jacob and Renesmee were in the kitchen with Carlisle and Esme, I wasn't sure what was going on in there. Edward and I talked to everyone, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett all went hunting. They didn't mind the humans being here but when they were thirsty it was alittle hard on them so they always made sure to go hunting when they were around. They even took Samuel with them cause he didn't have good control yet so he didn't stay around while they were there.

Esme served lunch for them and they all sat around eating and talking, Carlisle took Edward and I up to his study. "What's worng?" Edward asked, already knowing the answer.

"Renesmee is worried." he said "She is afraid somehting bad is going to happen."

"Why?" I asked concerned.

"Alice had a vision." Edward said as he looked at Carlisle.

"Of what?" I asked.

"She seen Jane attack someone but can't see who."

"Oh," I said "Jacob?"

"It's possible." Carlsie said "Since Renesmee won't be there it would have to be one of the wolves. Otherwise she would of seen who it was."

I just stood there, if this was true then that meant Jane won't listen to reason, she is going to attack and we are going to fight. I hated to see any of them hurt but especially Jacob, that would just kill Renesmee. Maybe Jane thinks that will hurt me, maybe she thinks if she hurts Jacob I will try to get revenge for her destroying my family like that. The thought of this made me so mad, I wanted to just rip her head off as soon as I see her. I knew I couldn't do this of course, Carlisle wouln't allow it, no matter if we did know she could hurt someone. We had to try to reason with her. I knew it was impossible to do. But we must try.

As the next couple days went by we acted as if nothing was wrong, we didn't want to worry the others so we hid the fact that we would be fighting tomorrow. I think that Billy knew but I don't think anyone else did. That night as we went hunting to prepare for the battle, Edward came up to me.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me. I wasn't concentrating much so he knew something was on my mind. It annoyed him that he couldn't read my mind.

"Yeah," I said as I turned to face him. "I'm jsut worried." I said as I gave him a kiss.

"I know," he replied kissing me back. "Me too." then we finished hunting and headed home.

We sat on the couch looking out the window as the sun was coming up. Esme took Renesmee, Masen and the twins over to Sam and Emily's. Seth, Sam and Paul were helping us. Quil, Embry, Leah were protecting the kids. I was so thankful for the wolves, without them the others would be in danger. The other wolves were protecting mom and Charlie.

Alice stared out the window, I knew Edward was reading her mind, and I knew she was having a vision of Jane. Once she snapped back to reality she looked at Edward. "What?" I asked. "

"She is almost here." Edward said as he put his arms around me. "We will protect you." I was worried, but I knew they wouldn't let anything happen to me.

We got prepared to fight, we wanted to cut her off at the pass so we headed to the field in which we fought the newborn army. Sam, Seth and Jacob ran premeter of the woods as we all stood back to back looking in all directions. As we stood there Edward was holding my hand, Samuel stood with us, he vowed to stand with us cause he thought Jane was in the wrong for coming after me. After all it wasn;t my fault that Samuel didn't accept her as I did Edward.

The sun hadn't been up long, it was only about 9am, and as we stood there looking into the woods we could hear someone coming. "It's Jane." Edward said as he looked at me. I clinched his hand tighter as Jane appeared on the edge of the woods, her twin Alec was with her. I didn't see anyone else with them.

As they got closer I extended my shield to cover everyone. Jacob, Sam and Seth were back now and they stood with us, in wolf form of course. I made sure to protect them as well. I kept ahold of Edwards hand as Jane and Alec got closer to us.

"Hello Jane, Alec." Carlisle said as he steped forward.

"Hello." Jane said as her and Alec stopped a few feet from Carlisle. "I see you have all decided to stand up to me and protect Bella."

"Yes," Carlisle said "We protect our family, you know that."

"Hmm," Jane said "Interesting." Jane knew I had my shield over them, she hated when I did this, cause her power was useless against us now, as was Alec's.

"Can we talk about this?" Carlisle asked in a sincere voice.

Jane looked around Carlisle to see Samuel standing there. "I see you have chosen sides." she said completly ignoring Carlisle's question.

"Yeah," Samuel said "I don't think you should be doing this."

"Really," Jane said "I beg to differ." then she lunged towards us.

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