Chapter 43: Prepare & Fight

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Chapter 43: Prepare & Fight

As the morning went by we didn't say much, we all just sat around, I could tell that Edward was listening to their thoughts cause he would get a look on his face and nod either yes or no. I wasn't sure what they were thinking but I knew it was about how to take care of Jane.

"So," I said "What is the plan?"

"Well," Edward said "We are going to stay here and wait for Jane. If she comes we will try to talk to her and if that fails we will fight."

I looked at everyone then back at Edward. "And by fight, you mean destroy her?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes," Edward said "If we must we will end her."

"But only if we must." Carlisle chimed in. "We don't want to just do it for the sake of it, we only do it to protect ourselves and loved ones.

I was alittle worried about it, I knew we outnumbered her, but unless I made sure I had a shield on everyone she would hurt them badly. And hopefully she didn't bring any of the other Volturi.

"Maybe she won't come." I said trying to sound positive.

"She will." Alice said as everyone turned to look at her. "I seen it."

"What did you see?" Carlise asked concerned.

"Jane comes here." she said "She wants vengence against Bella for loving Edward."

"But why?" I asked "Just because I stood by Edward even though I knew what he was. What is no reason to want vengence against me."

"Yes it is." Rosalie said "She is jealous that you stood by knowing he was a monster, no offence Edward. But she is mad because she couldn't have that kind of ending, he love wouldn't accept her for what she was."

"I guess so." I said as I looked at everyone. "It's my fault."

"No!" Edward hissed as he wrapped his arms around me. "It isn't no ones fault."

"Don't blame yourself Bella." Esme said as she hugged me as well. "We wouldn't trade you for anything, you have made this family better."

"Yeah, Bella." Emmett said "We stick by you no matter what."

"You are one of us." Jasper said with a smile.

"Thanks, everyone." I replied. They made me feel alittle better.

As the rest of the day went by we all sat around talking, we decided not to tell any of our human family but we did tell the wolves so they could help warn us when Jane came. I was alittle relived that mom and the rest wouldn't be part of this, they would be safer that way. As long as we can keep them away during the fight, especially the kids. I don't want anything happening to them.

Well Alice couldn't tell us when exactly Jane was coming cause she hasn't fully decided yet. So we just had to sit here and wait, we tried to make the best of it even though all that was on our mind was what was going to happen. None of us really wanted to fight, well Emmett was always up for a fight, but we didn't want to destroy Jane even though she was a heartless, mean vampire. Her goal was to destroy me for loving Edward. My vampire family would not stand for that neither would my wolf family. They all vowed to protect me no matter what, Jacob was furious when he found out what was going on, Renesmee was the only other person that knows. Jacob promised her that he would do what it took to protect me, I knew he meant it. Even though he hated the fact that I was a vampire he also loved Renesmee enough to do what she asked. He still cared for me as well otherwise he wouldn't have let Edward change me.

The next couple days went about the same, we waited to see if Jane was coming, Alice was watching her future trying to see if she has decided yet. We all decided to go hunting before she came, we wanted to have our strength up. While we were hunting Edward heard someone coming, he jumped in front of me and bared his teeth, everyone else including myself did the same. We all stood in a circle hissing and baring our teeth. Waiting to see who or what was coming. We could hear the footsteps coming closer, I tried to remain calm, I was alittle worried, my breathing was fast and I tried to slow it down. You would think that since I was a vampire I wouldn't be scared of one of my kind, but the truth was that Jane scared me, she was so full of hate and rage.

While we all stood there silent a figure came out of the trees, it was Samuel, we all let our guard down just a bit but we weren't sure if Jane was with him or not. "Why are you here?" Edward asked with a hiss.

"I came to warn you." he said "Jane is on her way."

"Why, warn us?" Rosalie asked.

"Because," Samuel said "It's my fault she is coming."

"What do you mean?" Carlisle asked.

"Well," he replied "I tried to accept her for what she was, since I was one now. But I didn't agree with her, um, diet. I tried to tell her there was another way, and when she asked what I told her about how you all do it and she got mad. She kept saying stuff like why can't you accept me like Bella does Edward. I tried I really did."

"It's not your fault." Carlisle said "I understand it is hard to deal with someone who chooses to take an innocent life instead of trying something different."

We took Samuel back to the house, we continued to tell us about Jane and what she was up to. According to Samuel she would be here in a week, Alice was able to confirm this since Jane had finally decided. So we had a week to prepare, I hope we can come to an agreement and not have to destroy her. Samuel said he would stick by us cause he don't think she is being fair. He vowed to help us defend against Jane, even though he still loved her, just not her ways.

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