Chapter 40: Confusion & Understanding

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Chapter 40: Confusion & Understanding

We all stood around looking at one another. I didn't have to read Jane's mind to know what had happened, I could see it in her eyes. She was hurt by Samuels reaction to what she is, so she wanted him to feel the same way. I could never imagine Jane as being in love or being nice. But I can understand why she would feel betrayed by Samuel. If you love someone enough it doesn't matter what they are. That is one thing I always tried to explain to Edward. He never understood how I could love him, he seen himself as a monster but I didn't.

No one said anything for a long time, finally Aro replied and said "I see" he looked at Jane then at Caius "Is this true Caius?" Caius looked at him and nodded "Well then" Aro said looking back at Carlisle "I had no knowledge of this and now that I do I can understand Samuels situation. I haven't had the chance to see his thoughts yet but now I am intrigued to see what happened."

Aro walked over to Samuel and touched his hand. You could see the disapproval look on Aro's face, he don't like leaving people around who could expose them for what they are. Aro gave Caius a look, Caius just looked at the floor. Then after a few minutes Aro gave Jane the same look, Jane like Caius looked at the floor as well. I could tell Aro was going to be giving Jane and Caius a good talking to after we leave.

Once Aro had seen everything he turned back to Carlisle "I understand why you are here." he said then it was silent again. I kept looking over at Samuel and Jane, they were standing near each other. I could tell by the look on Samuels face that he was still in love with Jane. Maybe he understands now that it's not what you are but how you make a person feel when you are around. It has been a long time since they had seen each other according to Samuel so the first meeting has alot of tension. I was afraid to unshield Samuel, if Jane was still mad she would really hurt him with her power.

Once Aro realized what was going on he had his guards release Samuel, he walked over to Jane "Jane" he said "I am sorry. I'm sorry for reacting how I did. I still love you no matter what you are." Jane looked at Samuel, she still had her evil look like always but you could see alittle aprkle in her eyes now. Samuel leaned down and hugged Jane then they stood there quiet. After everything was straightened out we left, Samuel stayed with Jane and I just hope she don't turn on him with her power.

On the way back to Forks Edward was quieter then usual. "You alright?" I asked. Edward looked at me and half smiled "Yeah, I am fine" he said. I could tell something was on his mind "What's wrong?" I asked in a concerned tone. "It's nothing" he said "Just thinking about something Jane had thought." "What is it?" I replied. Edward looked at me, I could tell he didn't want to tell me but he could never say no to me so he finally said "I know why she hates you so much." I looked at him strangly, I knew she hated me but I didn't know why and now Edward knows. Do I really want to know? I asked myself. "Why?" I asked looking at him "Well" he said "She hated the fact that you were so accepting of what I am that you were willing to risk you own life to save me in Italy back when I thought you were dead." I was silent, she was basically jealous that I was more understanding and more in love with Edward then Samuel was with her. "She was jealous?" I asked in a shocked tone. "Yes" Edward replied "She was jealous that you loved me so much that you didn't care if I was a monster." I just looked at Edward, I didn't know what to say so I just leaned up and kissed him. Edward smiled and kissed me again then it was silent the rest of the way home.

When we got home Esme, Rosalie and Renesmee all met us at the door wanting to know what happened. Carlisle explained it to everyone. Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Edward and I all decided to go hunting, so we headed north to find some big game. It didn't take long then we were heading back home. The next week went fast, the twins were grown and learning fast so was Masen. Sam and Emily brough Addison by a couple times and Sarah and Seth spent alot of time together. Things were finally back to a normal calm. Well as normal as we can get. Edward and I went back to the cottage at night and I spent some time with my mom and Charlie a couple days this week. I was so grateful for my family, human and immortal.

Thing have been going well, there hasn't been anymore odd occurences or bad tragedies lately. It was almost time for the twins first birthday, we were all excited me mostly because since they were born on my birthday I am hoping they forget about it and only think about the twins. Alice of course is planning a big party for them with the help of Rosalie, Sarah, Mom, Esme and Renesmee. Emily, Sue and Leah are even helping. Party planning isn't really my strong suit so I kind of stay out of it. Mom and Esme are doing the cooking so is Sue. Alice and Rosalie are decorating and Sarah, Leah and Emily are doing the invitations. I decided to help some by offering to take the twins out shopping, I was actuall alittle excited to buy some baby clothes. Renesmee grew to fast for me to buy pretty little things for her so Renesmee and I are going to take them this weekend to buy them some clothes and a special outfit for their party.

The guys of course are doing guy things Billy, Phil and Charlie spend alot of time fishing, and also watching ball games with Jacob, Emmett and Jasper. Even Sam came over and watches the games with them. Carlisle has been working some lately and Edward is always with me. He has always been more like Carlisle then like Emmett or Jasper, he perfers to read or play the piano instead of watching ball games. He is such a sweetheart, it makes me love him even more. I love it when he plays the piano, he plays my lullaby alot for me. It is so sweet. He is actually working on a new composition for the twins and one for Masen and Addison as well. Since he has all the time in the world he can do it anytime he wants. I love sitting beside him while he plays, it facinates me how fast and well he can play.

Well the weekend was approaching fast and Renesmee and I were getting ready to go shopping with the twins. Alice and Rosalie were too busy with the party plans to come so it was just the four of us. It was going to be nice, we haven't got to spend alot of time together lately cause of everything going on. I was looking forward to the bonding time with my daughter and grandchildren.

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