Chapter 5: Feeling Normal

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Chapter 5: Feeling Normal

The next morning after Renesemee and Jacob left for school, I got a phone call from my mom. They were on their way back with some stuff to move in their new house. Well Alice and I went to start setting up their house. They were going to stay in Emmett and Rosalie's old house. It wasn't far from ours. I like this house cause it is nice and roomy but I would rather be in out little cottage Esme gave me for my birthday. Since Renesemee grew up so fast we all stayed in the same house so we could keep an eye on her. I am trying to convince Edward that once Renesemee and Jacob are married to move back to our cottage. Which isn't a hard convincing, because he likes to be alone with me. As Alice and I were cleaning up the house for my mom and Phil I heard a Rosalie behind me say " I hope you mom like it" I turned around to see a smile on Rosalie's face "I'm sure she will" I said with a smile, at first I wasn't sure is Rosalie was being sarcastic or sincere. And apparently Emmett thought the same thing, cause he started laughing and said " Yeah Bella, I was thinking the same thing" I laughed and Rosalie said "what is so funny?" "The first thought that we all thought when you said that was that it was meant to be sarcastic" Emmett said as he was laughing. Rosalie looked mad then she smiled and laughed " Oh, I guess I can understand why" I gave Rosalie a hug and said "Thank you for letting my mom have this house" "Your welcome" she replied "It was to small anyway" then she walked away laughing. I looked at Alice and Emmett who were laughing and said "Yeah, now that is the Rosalie I remember". Even though she was rude sometimes Rosalie and I have become good friends. Ever since I got pregnant with Renesemee, we have been on a better level of communication.

Well as we were getting things ready I heard my mom and Phil come in. "Hello? anyone home?" mom asked. I met them at the front door and said "Welcome to your new home" "Awww, honey Thank you for everything" my mom replied as she gave me a great big hug. "Well we will let you two get settled" I said as I looked towards Alice. "Yes" she said " We have some other things to do anyway" Then Alice hugged my mom and Phil and we left. Alice and I went back to the house everyone was out hunting except for Esme and Renesemee. "Hi" I said as we walked through the door. "Hi, Mom" Renesemee replied. Her and Jacob were watching a movie and Esme was cooking again. Ever since Renesemee was born all Esme does is cook. She is really good at it according to everyone who eats her cooking. "have you asked Grandma yet about the slumber party?" Renesemee asked "No, Honey not yet" I replied as I sat down beside her "We should let them get settled in first" "Oh, alright" Renesemee replied. "I will ask her in a couple days" I said "I'm sure she will say yes" "alright" Renesemee replied as she kept watching the movie with Jacob. I sat there and watched it with them.

The next day Renesemee and Jacob left for school, I went to see how my mom and Phil were doing. When I got there Charlie and Sue were also there. "Hi" I said walking through the house. "Hey Bells" Charlie said as he gave me a big hug. "How are you?" "I'm doing good" I replied with a smile. "Where's mom at?" I asked. "I'm right here" mom said as she walked into the room. "Oh, Hey mom" I said as I gave her a hug "Did you have a good night?" "Yes, It was lovely" she replied "We just love the house" Phil said " Oh, that's good, I am glad" I replied. We all went and sat down in the living room. "So" Charlie said "What's new?" I smiled and replied " Not to much, other then my daughter thinks she is weird" Mom and Charlie both started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked "Oh, honey" my mom replied "All teenagers go through that stage" I laughed when she said this the said "Yeah, that's what Edward said too" then they all started laughing "She will grow out of it" Sue said " Leah and Seth both went through the same thing" "Really" I asked "Of course dear" she replied. So maybe they were all right, maybe she would grow out of it, I hope anyway.

Well we sat around talking for awhile and then I asked "Mom, Renesemee was wondering is she could have a slumber party over here one weekend? If not that is alright I told her I would ask" My mom looked at me and replied "Of course she can honey, we would love to have her over" "really?" I asked "Of course Bella" Phil said " We love her so much, that is why we moved closer, so we could see her" I smiled at them then said "Thanks, she will be so happy" "you tell her she can have it this weekend if she want" "Alright, I will tell her when she comes home tonight". After awhile I said "Well I better be going, hope you all have a good day" "You too honey" Mom said as she gave me a hug. The Charlie gave me one and said "Take care Bells" "I will dad, Bye". Then I left and went back to the house.

When I got home I told Edward that mom said Renesemee could have her slumber party this weekend, he was happy as was I. It was already Wednesday so Renesemee would have to ask her friends tomorrow if they wanted to come over this weekend. Well when Renesemee and Jacob came home I said "Hey honey, how was your day?" "It was pretty good" she replied as her and Jacob sat down on the couch. "I talked to your Grandma today" I said as I sat beside her. "Really?" she said getting excited. "Yes, and she said you could have the slumber party this weekend if you want to" Renesemee started jumping for joy "Oh, thank you so much mom, I can't wait to invite my friends" she said as she gave me a big hug. "Your Welcome, make sure you thanks your Grandma too, and make sure you behave as well" I said "Oh I will mom don't worry" she replied "I'm so excited" then her and Jacob went upstairs to do homework.

The next morning when Renesemee came downstairs I reminded her to inviter her friends today. She said she would make sure she did, and then she got ready to leave. While she was getting her books I asked Jacob to come in the other room. "What's up? he asked " I know you don't like being away from Renesemee and I know you don't want to be at the party" I said "Yeah, and?" he asked "Well I was wondering if you and the others would just kind of keep watch around my moms house while Renesemee and her friends were there, just to make sure things are alright" he smiled then said "I was already planning on it" I smiled then gave him a hug. Then we heard Renesemee come back down the stairs and we met her there and her and Jacob left to go to school.I went into the kitchen and talked to Esme, we were going to go to the store later and get the stuff for Renesemees party. Rosalie and Alice both came along as well. We bought food, music, movies, and some games that teenage girls should like.

Well when Renesemee came home from school I met her and Jacob at the door. "Hi honey, did you invite your friends for the weekend?" I asked. "Hi mom, yes I invited my three friends and they said they would love to come". "That's great" I replied "It's going to be a great party" she gave me a hug and replied "I hope so" then her and Jacob went to do homework.

The next morning before Renesemee and Jacob went to school I told her we would make sure everything was ready tonight for when her friends came over. She was really excited, which made me happy. Well we were all going hunting today so no one was out tonight while Renesemees friends were close by. So like usual we all went in groups Edward and I went with Alice and Jasper, while Rosalie and Emmett went with Carlisle and Esme. We spent most of the day hunting. Afterwards when we got home Renesemee and Jacob were already home. "What time are your friends coming Renesemee?" I asked "They said they would all be at Grandma's by 8" she replied "alright" I said "that gives us plenty of time" "do you mind if I take her hunting before they get here?" Jacob asked. I looked at Renesemee and Jacob then before I said anything Carlisle replied "That would probley be a good idea, that way her thirst is quenched before she spends a weekend with fresh humans" I turned and looked at Carlisle then smiled and said "Yes, I think it is for the best too". So Jacob took Renesemee hunting.

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