Chapter 35: Normal Life

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Chapter 35: Normal Life

Time was flying by Masen was turning 1 today, we or should I say Alice had a big party planned. Everyone was going to be here, including Sarah, her mom Tammy, her sister Samantha, Samantha's daughter Tabatha, Ally and Amy. And then all of our family and friends. Alice had it all planned out and everything was all ready. Masen was going to get a ton of gifts, we were also having our thanksgiving dinner as well so it was two parties in one. Sarah was happy to see Masen again he was walking and stuff now so she was chasing him around and having a good time. Mom, Sue, Tammy, Samantha and Esme were all talking, Charlie, Billy, Emmett, Jasper, most of the wolves and Phil were all watching a game. Alice, Rosalie, Sarah and Renesmee were playing with the kids. Carlisle, Jacob, Edward and I were all talking. We were discussing the twins development. They were doing great, Carlisle was amazed at how well they were adapting and learning. Anthony was getting big and Rosemary was getting smart. She had to be careful of human contact so she didn't scare anyone with her gift. Most of the people around her are use to it but anyone new she has to be careful not to touch them.

Well Esme and Sue went to finish dinner Mom and Tammy went to help set the table. Samantha went and played with the kids with the others. We stood there watching Masen and Tabatha run around. Anthony and Rosemary were already crawling. And Emily was feeding Addison in the other room. It was so much fun watching them all play.

Before long dinner was ready, since there were so many of us we just let the humans sit at the table to eat and us vampires sat in the living room talking. After dinner we had cake for Masen's birthday, we gave him, his own and he had it all over the place. But is was so cute. After the cake it was present time, Masen got a ton of toys and clothes. All the kids had fun playing with the toys, as all us adults talked. As it got late people started to leave, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper went hunting. Edward and I went hunting as well on our way to the cottage.

The next few days went fast, we all started decorating for Christmas. It was fast approaching once again and this year we had Masen, Anthony, Rosemary and Addison to buy gifts for. Emily and Sam seemed to come around alot since Renesmee and Emily had their babies. They spend alot of time talking and the kids love playing. Even though Addison is still little Rosemary loves playing with her. Masen and Anthony love to play or should I say fight. They like to rough house around and Anthony is bigger in size so it is rather funny to watch. Masen holds his own pretty well.

Well as Christmas came we all got together once again, Sarah, Ally and Amy were all there as well as everyone else. Right before dinner Amy announced that her and Ally were going to have a double wedding in the spring. "Really?" Renesmee asked "Yes" Amy replied. "Sarah, Renesmee, Amy and Ally were all jumping up and down all excited as was Alice. Of course Alice was happy, she loved parties and weddings. After they all calmed down they sat down and ate dinner. Once that was over we all opened presents. the kids got a ton of stuff from everyone. While we all sat around talking Sarah, Renesmee, Amy and Ally along with Alice were talking about the weddings.

There was a knock at the door, Carlisle answered it and it was Seth and Leah. "Hi" Seth said as they walked in the house. "Hello" Carlisle replied as they all walked into the living room. We were all surprised when Seth walked over and gave Sarah a kiss "Hi" he said as he sat beside her. Sarah smiled then looked at all of us. We all just stood there, I guess Sarah did like one of the wolves. But how did no one know about it? Even Alice was in shock.

We were all silent then Jacob blurted out "Way to go Seth" then Emmett and some of the others started laughing. Sarah and Seth both blushed, I was happy that Sarah found someone she liked and I knew that if Seth liked her he must have imprinted on her. He was a good boy, I think he would be good for her. Sue was happy to see Seth happy and Leah, well she was Leah. She hated when anyone was happy but we all just learned tot overlook her.

We all sat around talking, each of us wee talking to someone else then we would switch and some left to go do stuff like Jasper and Emmett went hunting and Embry and Paul went on patrol. There was always at least 2 wolves on patrol just in case we had anymore visitors.


Well the night went by fast, Sarah and Seth left with Amy and Ally. Tammy, Samantha, and Tabatha all left, Renesmee and Jacob went back home with the twins, it was the first night back at their house so it would be alittle strange for them but we were all close by if they needed us. Mom and Phil Left with Charlie and Sue. All the wolves including Leah and Emily left. Alice, Rosalie, Esme and I all cleaned up while Edward and Carlisle were talking. Masen was asleep for the night so it was quiet in the house.

After Emmett and Jasper came back Edward and I went hunting with Carlisle. We didn't go to far, we stayed pretty close by just in case we were needed. I couldn't believe how fast time was going by. We lived forever but it seemed like it was just yesterday when I met my true love. After we went hunting Carlisle headed home and Edward and I went to the cottage. We laid on the bed watching the sunset. "Bella" Edward said "Yes" I replied as I turned to face him. "Are you happy?" he asked. I looked at him confused "Of course I am" I replied "Are you?" Edward smiled "Of course" he said as he leaned down and gave me a kiss. "Do you ever regret anything?" he asked. I looked him in his beautiful golden eyes. "Never" I said in a sincere tone. "I wouldn't change anything" Edward kissed me again, he was more forceful this time. We kissed for a long time as the sun was rising over the horizon.

I guess since Edward can't read my mind he has to ask such silly questions. It was kind of funny at times cause I always have the advantage over him. He never knows what I am thinking unless I let him into my mind. After the sun rose we continued to lay there holding each other. "I love you" he whispered into my ear then kissed my cheek. "I love you too" I replied as I ran my fingers through his hair.

As the morning got later we got up and headed out. We went to see how Jacob and Renesmee did through the first night on there own with the twins. When we got there Renesmee was making breakfast for the twins. They were both up crawling now so they were all over the place. "Morning" I said as we walked in. "Morning" Jacob replied as we sat down near him. Renesmee came into the room with the twins breakfast, I helped her feed them while Edward and Jacob were talking. Afterwards we got them dressed and headed to see the rest of the family. Everyone was in a good mood this morning and so cheery. The day was great. Nothing could make it bad.


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