Chapter 27: Explanations

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Chapter 27: Explanations

While we sat around talking Mom and Sue were asking a million questions, we have explained what we could about how Renesmee grew so fast. So they were asking if the babies would be the same way. Carlisle was explaining to them that they are growing alittle faster then most babies but no where near as fast as Renesmee did. Billy looked at Carlisle and asked "What are the chances of the babies being like Jacob?" We all knew he meant the wolf part of him. Carlisle told Billy "There is a 50/50 chance of one or both of them having the wolf gene. There is no way to tell yet" "When can you tell?" I asked curiously. "Well" Carlisle said "as she gets further along I can test to see how many pairs of genes they have. Humans have 24, Jacob and Renesmee have 25 and Us vampires have 26. "Oh" I said. "So when she is alittle further we will check that" "Alright" I said. Carlisle answered all of their questions and even mine. I was so thankful to have Carlisle taking care of Renesmee and her babies.

Well we all sat around talking, Mom, Sue, Sarah, Rosalie, Alice, Esme and I were talking to Renesmee, while Edward, Carlisle, Jasper, Emmett, Charlie and Billy were talking to Jacob. Mom, Rosalie and Alice were already talking about what they were going to get the baby. They get so excited of babies. Everyone is still excited over Masen and now there will be two new babies to be excited over. "So, when are you do?" mom asked. Renesmee looked at Carlisle and then Carlisle answered "We are estimating around September, depending on how fast they develop" "Oh" mom said smiling at Renesmee "It would be cool if they were born on Bella's birthday, or your's Renesemee" Alice said with a laugh. I just smiled, maybe if they were born on mine they would focus on celebrating their birthdays instead of mine.

Well it was starting to get late and everyone started going home. Before we left I asked Carlisle if I could talk to him. He agreed so we went into the other room, Edward followed us to see what was going on. "Carlisle I was wondering, should Renesemee go hunting or not until after the babies are born?" Carlisle looked at me then said "It is probley best if she didn't, unless she starts getting sick" "What if she gets sick?" I asked as I looked at him then at Edward "If she gets sick it would mean one or both are part vampire and she will need the blood" Edward said with a strange look on his face. "Oh" I said as I thought about that, then said "If one has even the slightest bit of vampire in them she will need blood right?" "It is a possibility" Carlisle said. So we would have to keep a close eye on her. "Thank you Carlisle" I said then Edward and I left.

When we got to the cottage we were sitting on the couch and I said "I hope she don't get sick" "I know" Edward replied "Me too" I laid my head against Edwards chest. We sat there a good while then went hunting. While we were hunting I was so distracted I really didn't hunt much. I started thinking to myself. I need to tell Renesmee and Jacob about this, they need to keep an eye out for signs that Renesmee needs blood.

The next day Edward went to Carlisle's and I went over to see Renesemee, I wanted to talk to her about the hunting thing. "Hi honey" I said walking into her living room. "Hi mom" she replied giving me a hug. "What brings you here?" "I wanted to talk to you and Jacob" I said "Alright" she replied as we sat down. "What's up Bella?" Jacob asked. "Well" I said "I had a talk with Carlisle last night. About whether or not Renesmee should hunt while she was pregnant" "OH" Jacob said looking at Renesmee. "What did he say?" Renesmee asked. "He said that he didn't think you should right now, unless you start getting sick" The both looked at me confused. "Sick?" Jacob asked "Yes, sick" I said "If she starts getting sick then it may mean one or both babies have some vampire in them." "And they would need blood?" Jacob asked "Yes" I said "But either way, Renesmee is at no risk for what happened to me" Neither of them said anything, I could tell by the look on Jacobs face that he was worried. "I'm sorry" I said "Maybe I shouldn't have said anything". "No" Renesemee said "It's alright, we needed to know to watch for it, right?" "Of course" said Jacob as he gave her a kiss. "Thanks Bella for letting us know" "Your Welcome" I said "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask" "Thanks mom," Renesmee said giving me a hug. Then I left.

Well I headed to my mom's, I said "Hi mom" as I walked in the house. "Hi honey" she said as she hugged me "How's Renesmee?" she asked "She is good" I replied. I sat down on the couch with my mom. "So what do you think about all this?" I asked "Well" she said "It is alittle strange, but I am happy for Renesmee" I smiled and said "Yeah, me too" My mom looked at me and said "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you honey" I looked at my mom and seen the sadness in her face "It's not your fault mom, you didn't know, and I wasn't sure what was going to happen" we both looked at each other, I know she wished she could have been there and I wished the same thing. But I knew that it wasn't a good idea and I know I was right about not telling her. I could only imagine how she would of reacted seeing me so ill and then me dying. I was now glad that she never got to see that.

We sat around talking for a long time "So what is Renesemees babies going to be?" she asked "I'm not sure" I said "We have to keep a close eye on Renesmee for signs of her becoming sick" My mom looked at me confused "Sick?" "Yes" I said "It is hard to explain but if the babies have any vampire in them then they will make her sick, they will need blood to survive" My mom looked at me shocked, I guess she figure out that since Renesmee was half vampire that I had to drink blood to keep her and myself alive. I left it and didn't say anymore. "So, how is Sarah doing?" I asked quickly changing the subject. "She is good" mom replied "She misses Masen, but she gets to see him all the time, so she is better about it" I smiled and replied "Yes, Esme is so happy with him. Sarah is such an amazing person as well" We smiled at each other. Alittle while later I left and headed to Carlisle's to be with Edward.

When I got there Edward and Carlisle were doing some tests on Renesmee. "What's going on?" I asked Jacob as I watched Renesmee being poked by a needle. "They are trying to determine what the babies genes are" Jacob replied as he stared at them as well. "How has she been doing?" I asked. Jacob smiled and said "She has been pretty good" I smiled back and put my arm around Jacob. "She will be fine" I said as we both watched from a distance. "I know" he said "But I am still worried" I looked at him and replied "I know you are, so am I" We stood there while Carlisle and Edward were with Renesmee.

After they were done Edward came over and gave me a kiss. "Well?" I asked. He smiled and said "Well from what we can tell one of them has 25 genes". "Which means?" Jacob asked curious. Carlisle walked over and replied to Jacob. "It means one of them has the wolf gene" Jacob was smiling, he was happy to hear that one of them would be like him. "What about the other" I asked Edward and Carlisle looked at one another. "What's wrong?" I asked suddenly concerned. "Well" Carlisle said "We are having a hard time getting a sample of the other one" I looked at them confused "Does that mean it is one of you?" Jacob asked in a rather sour tone. "It is possible" Edward said answering as nice as he could. "We don't know for sure" Carlisle said "We are going to try again in a few days" Jacob and I looked at each other and then Renesmee walked over about that time.

Renesmee knew already, cause Carlisle told her as he was doing the test. "Are you alright?" I asked her. "Yes" she replied "Alittle nervous, but alright" Jacob gave her a hug and said "We won't let anything happen to you" She smiled at him and said "I know" Then we all went downstairs.

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