Eternally Yours- The Next Twilight Chapter

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It has been 7 years since Renesmee was born, and even though this wasn't her first Christmas, it was a special one. Edward and I decided to make a big deal out of it for our daughters sake. She grew up so fast, I know she is only alittle over a 7 years old, but in appearance and mind she is 17.

Well Edward and I both agreed to invite my mom, Phil, Charlie, Sue, Jacob, and Billy to Christmas eve dinner. Esme was excited to cook dinner. Even though we didn't eat, our guests did.

Well it was Christmas eve and Renesmee, Esme, Alice, Rosalie and I were all helping cook and decorate before our guest arrive. Jacob was always around, because of the whole imprint thing he had on Renesmee, so he was sitting there watching us. It was alittle strange at times to see him with my daughter, but I'm glad he is happy and also that I still get to have my best friend.

Well while we were decorating Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper, and Edward were all hunting. We were almost done with the Christmas tree when someone knocked at the door. I went and answered it, it was my mom, Phil, Billy,Charlie and Sue, "Come in" I said as I stepped back to clear the doorway. My mom and Charlie both gave me a big hug. It was alot easier being around humans now, it burned but it was easier to ignore cause they were always around. Renesmee ran over "Grandma, Grandpa" she said as she hugged my mom and Charlie. "Hi sweetheart", my mom told her. "Here honey" Charlie said "this is for you from all of us". He handed her a package that was wrapped in gold paper with a red ribbon. "Thanks" Renesmee replied as she took the gift, "May I open it now?". "Of course you can honey", Sue said. Renesmee took the ribbon off, then opened the box. it was a beautiful, green, sequent dress. "Thanks, it is beautiful" Renesmee said as she gave everyone a big hug. Renesemee went to put the dress on.

We all went in and sat on the couch. Sue and Charlie sat together, Phil and my mom sat together and Billy sat beside Jacob. Well we all sat around talking, alittle later I heard the guys coming home. I got up and met them at the door. I told them everyone was here, they went upstairs to get ready, as Renesemee was coming down. "Oh honey" I said, "You look so beautiful". "Thanks mom" she replied. She went to sit with Jacob. Everyone told her how beautiful she looked, as I went to sit back down. A little later everyone else came to join us, Alice and Jasper sat on the steps with Rosalie and Emmett, Carlisle and Esme sat at the fireplace and of course Edward sat with me. As we were talking someone knocked on the door. I got up to answer it. when I opened the door I seen Sam, Embry, Quil, Emily, Leah and Seth standing there with a fruit basket. "Um Hi" I said, Edward was right beside me in that instant. "Merry Christmas Bella, Edward" Sam said as he handed me the basket. I just kind of looked at him. "I know you don't eat but thought maybe your guests would enjoy it". "Oh", I replied "Thank you". "Would you like to come in?" Sam looked at everyone sitting there then said "We probley shouldn't". "Non sense" Esme said as she swiftly came over to us. "You are always welcome" she told Sam leading him inside. Esme took Sam into the living room with everyone else and of course the rest of the pack followed. Edward looked at me and said "We have a full house of beating hearts" then he snickered and led me back to everyone. As we sat around talking Jacob stood up and said "If I may I would like to give Renesmee her gift from me". "Of course" I said, smiling at Jacob. He turned to Renesmee and got down on one knee. I almost fainted cause I knew what was coming next. The he pulled out a little box and opened it. There was a beautiful diamond ring inside. Then he said "Renesemee will you marry me?" Renesmee started crying as she hugged Jacob. "Of course I will, I love you"

"I love you too" he said as he put the ring on her finger "Oh Jacob". she said. "It's beautiful". She went around showing it to everyone. Congrats honey I said to her as I gave her a big hug. Then I gave Jacob one and whispered in his ear. "Take good care of her, or I will hurt you" Jacob just laughed. Edward even gave Jacob a hug and the same warning. A few minutes later Esme said "Dinner is ready". So we all went into the dinning room even though not all of us were eating we were together for Christmas Eve dinner.

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