Chapter 47: New Lease

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Chapter 47: New Lease

Over the next couple days Carlisle spent time teaching Jane why we are the way we are. She really didn't understand why we didn't kill humans, she was taught that is was natural for a vampire to kill humans and nothing else. Aro corrupted her into thinking there was no other way to life. We had to be careful with Jane, we couldn't let her around any of the humans, we kept her in the cottage with Samuel. She seemed happy to be with him but they were still on the rocks about their relationship.

As we sat around watching the sun set. "Do you think it will work out?" I asked Edward as I leaned against him.

"Yes," he said kissing my head. "I think it will."

"I hope so." I said looking into his eyes. We sat there most of the night just looking at one another.

Renesmee was alittle nervous having Jane so close to the twins and I can understand her concern so she took them home and Seth stuck around watching the house. Well it was almost Christmas again, the family was coming over and so was the wolves. We had to keep Jane and Samuel away from them for now cause they were still uneasy around humans. So they stayed at the cottage while we had our Christmas Party. I felt bad that they couldn't participate but it was for the safety of the humans that they didn't attend. The party went well, Sam, Emily and Addison came, as did Bill, Charlie and Sue. Leah, Seth, Sarah, Embry, Quil and the others were there and Mom and Phil was also there. The twins and Masen had a blast. Alice and Rosalie loved decorating, Esme cooked and of course Emmett and Jasper watched a game as did Jacob and Charlie. Carlisle was doing some work to try and help Jane and Samuel. Edward and I stayed close to Renesmee who seemed uneasy. She knew we wouldn't let anything happen to her or the twins but she was still alittle worried about the humans.

Mom and Charlie asked a couple questions but they didn't pry to much, they perfered if we didn;t tell them to much information about our way of life. All they wanted to know was that we were happy and safe. Otherwise they didn't need the information, so we didn't tell them about the fight, all we said was that we have two new members and that they were alittle different so they had to stay away from them for now. They seemed happy with this explaination and didn't push for any more information. Billy was also the same way, he perfered not to know, even with the werewolf side he would rather not know all the information so Jacob and the others didn't talk to much about what was going on. They didn't phase in front of any of them either, that seemed to make Charlie and Mom nervous as well as Phil and even Sue was alittle nervous to see them turn into a wolf, especially Leah and Seth. She perfered them in their human form, Leah hated being human she would rather been in the woods as a wolf but she did as Sue said and stayed human while she was around.

Colin and Brady took patrol around the cottage to keep and eye on Jane and Samuel, as well as looking out for any of the Volturi, which I doubt would come since they kicked Jane out. We actually were surprised that Alec wasn't with her, he must be too loyal to Aro instead of his twin sister. Anyway, the party went great then everyone left. As the next week went by Jane and Samuel were getting better with the animal diet. They rang in the new year with a solo hunt, when they got back they seemed happy. We knew what they got cause Alice seen it and Edward heard their thoughts. They both went after a mountain lion, they seemed so proud of themselves for their accomplishment. Carlisle was pleased that they were doing so well.

"I am proud of you two." Carlisle said.

"Thanks." Samuel replied.

"How do you feel?" Carlisle asked.

"Alittle thirsty." Jane replied. "But it is worth it knowing there is another way other then killing innocent humans." Carlisle seemed pleased with this. Jane has really changed ever since she lost her power. Aro had such a control over her and now she was free. Samuel seemed happy to have her this way, maybe this is how she was before. We were all proud of how well she has done.

It has only been a short time since Jane has joined us, we were still alittle leary of her but she seemed to have truly changed. Alice keeps a close eye on her future just in case she decides to do something bad and Edward listens to her thoughts alot just to be safe. We still have to be on guard around her cause she has been bad for so long she could just snap at anytime. Ever since she lost her power she seems alittle down I decided to talk to her today just to see if things were alright.

"How are you holding up?" I asked as I sat beside her. It was just Jane and I so it was alittle easier to talk.

"I'm alright." she said with a smile. "Just alittle down."

"How come?" I asked.

"Well," she said "I feel helpless."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I'm use to having power." she replied "And now I don't and I never learned to fight cause I never had to."

"Would you like to?" I asked smiling.

"Yes." she replied anxiously. I wasn;t sure if it was a good idea so I asked Edward. He seemed to think that we could teach her alittle bit just so she didn't feel so bad about not having her power. So we began to teach her.

Edward and Rosalie taught Jane how to defend herself, they didn't want to teach her to many powerful stuff just in case she turned on us, but they wanted her to be able to protect herself in case someone attacked her. She caught on fast and seemed very happy about learning new things. I was glad we could help her. Even though she was still having some trouble adjusting to our way of life she was doing very well. We just had to keep encouraging her so she didn't fall back into old habbits.

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