Chapter 42: Choice

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Chapter 42: Choice

After everyone left Edward and I headed back to the cottage, when we got there Edward scooped me up into his arms and gave me a kiss. Then he carried me through the door and into the bedroom, he gently laid me on the bed. I couldn't help but laugh at him being so gentle, I was no longer fragile and yet he was still ever so gentle. Or so I thought, "Are you ready?" he asked with a huge grin on his face. "Yes." I rpelied with a big smile. Edward jumped on top of me and ripped my clothes off, I ripped his off just as fast and then we gave in to our passion. Sex with Edward was always amazing, no matter what, it was the best thing ever. It was great when I was human and even greater as a vampire. Tonight was different, tonight Edward was really gentle then he was really rough, he battered the headboard and all the pillows. We continued it all night long, and was still going when the sun came up.

Finally we were just laying there, I had my head on his marble chest and was tracing my fingertips up and down it. "That was the best birthday ever." I said looking up at Edward.

He smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." he replied.

"Did you?" I asked alittle curious.

"Of course." he replied "I always do." then he leaned and started kissing me again. His kiss always sends a spark through me, it makes me want more but I knew we had eternity to do it so once the sun is up I let my hunger for him build up until the night time.

I could just lay there forever, it was so comfortable and amazing, I never wanted to get up. We laid there for a long time. "We better get up." Edward said

"Do we have to?" I asked with a laugh.

"Don't worry," Edward said "We will continue this tonight, then he gave me a kiss.

We decided to get up and go hunting, while we were there we ran across Alice and Jasper. Alice was standing there silent, I wasn't sure what was wrong until Edward grabbed my arm and dragged me back to Carlisle's. Jasper and Alice got there right after we did.

"Is it true?" Edward asked as he walked towards Carlisle.

"Yes." Carlisle replied looking at the floor.

"What is it?" I asked confused. Edward kept his back to me, he was looking at the floor as well. No one said anything so I asked again. "What is it?"

"It's Jane" Alice finally said, breaking the silence. Edward gave her a dirty look. "Oh come on, she would find out sooner or later."

"Find out what?" I asked still confused.

"Jane is on the rampage." Alice replied "She is so mad that Samuel didn't love her the way you love Edward."

"Oh." was all I said, I didn't know what to say at first. I mean Jane has always been a bitter person but she seemed different after Samuel came back in her life. I wonder what happened.

I was just standing there when I felt Edward gently shake me. "Bella?" he said in a concerned tone. "Are you alright?"

I looked up at him. "Yeah, I think so." I replied. "So what are we going to do?"

"We are going to leave." Carlisle said "We well go somewhere she can't find us."

"But what about our family here?" I asked "What are they going to do?"

"Calm down Bella" Carlisle said. "We will come back after Jane calms down."

"That could take forever." Jasper said. "She holds a grudge for a long time."

I looked at Jasper then back at Carlisle. "Well," he said "We can all go, or we can stay and fight."

I looked at Edward, I knew he would perfer to leave then to fight. I didn't want to leave or fight but I knew I would have to choose one or the other. I sat down on the couch and didn't say a word, everyone else was quiet. It was such a hard choice to make. I mean if we do leave it means I will have to leave mom and Charlie and and Renesmee and Jacob. Jacob can't leave cause of the pack and Charlie wouldn't leave and Mom and Phil are happy here so I coulnd't ask them to leave either, Jane would come looking for them so really I only have one choice.

"We fight." I said standing up.

"NO!" Edward shouted as he rushed over to me. "Do you know how dangerous it is to fight Jane? We can't."

"We have to." I said "If we leave she will just come after Charlie, or mom or even Renesmee and Jacob."

Edward stood there for a spit second, he knew what I was saying and realized I was right. "Your right." he said as he held me tight. "We have no choice but to fight, we have to protect our family."

We turned and faced Carlisle. "It's settled then." he said "We will stay and fight if we must." It was quiet the rest of the evening and all night.

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