Chapter 50: Happy Ending

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This Chapter is Dedicated to all my loyal fans...without you this story wouldn't be as great as it is...thank you sooo much.....

Chapter 50: Happy Ending


After Alec left you could see the sadness in Jane's face, she missed her brother. But she was glad he accepted her new life. "You alright?" Alice asked hugging Jane.

"Yes," Jane replied "I just wish Alec would have stayed longer."

"Maybe he will be back." Alice said smiling. Maybe Alice sees where he is debating whether to switch or not.

"Maybe." Jane said smiling at Alice.

Samuel Hugged Jane then they left to go hunting. While they were gone Esme, Renesmee, Masen and the twins came home. "How did it go?" Esme asked pleased that we were all there.

"It went great." Rosalie said smiling.

"Yeah," Emmett chimed in. "Bella kicked butt."

"Really?" Esme said alittle surprised.

"Yes," Edward said "She can shield others and make them use their powers on themselves."

Wow," Esme said happily. "So that worked?"

"Yes," Carlisle said "She told Aro never to bother us again and he pleaded and backed away." Carlisle looked at me and smiled. He was pleased that I protected the family so well.

Esme came over and hugged me. "Thank you." She said smiling at me. Renesmee hugged and kissed me then her and Jacob put the twins to bed.

We all sat around the rest of the night just talking and doing our normal things. I was so happy that things worked out so well, Aro didn't get any of us, Jane was still around and happy and Alec was on our side when it came to not wanting to hurt us for helping Jane. Life was good once again. Edward and I decided to stay at the cottege tonight, after what happened Edward seemed to be excited to be alone with me again. He loved it when I did amazing things, it was like a turn on for him or something.

So as it got later we headed home, when we got there we went straight for the bedroom, Edward starting kissing me. He had his hands wrapped up in my hair as I had mine in his. We spent all night making love once again. This was the best part about being immortal, you never got tired, you never had to sleep. We could embrace one another all night without even stopping. It was great.

We laid in bed together and watched the sun come up, no matter how many times we did this it was always magical. I loved my life, I loved Edward and I loved Renesmee. I couldn't ask for anything more. I had wonderful grand children, I had my human family in my life and I had my new family. Everything was perfect, even though some times were tough and we had obsticles I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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